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Imprison your cleric - it pays off!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:26 pm
by QuenGalad
First let me tell I have lurked around the forum for a long time. But I never felt like registering, because I thought I could not contribue to it in any way.

But now I have made a great discovery! Well, I think so, at least.

To say things short: while playing TOB with an evil party, my cleric was Viconia. I don't like her at all, but evil is evil. In one fight, an Imprisonement spell was cast on her. She was lvl 31 then. And because I don't like her, I was not concerned - Edwin had the counter-spell for that (whatever its name is in english, I don't know, I'm playing in my native), so I rested and got him to cast it. She appeared, with all her things, just like she disappeared - I talked to her and joined her back in. And that very moment, I got a message like:
Viconia - your deity has rewarded you with its holy symbol.

Sooo, she's got two holy symbols of Talos now! And they work together! :cool: Isn't it great?

P.S. I played evil mostly to check out the Edwin Romance mod. I see you have not many info on that. If anyone is interested, let me know, I will post some oppinions about it. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:45 pm
by CFM
QuenGalad wrote:P.S. I played evil mostly to check out the Edwin Romance mod. I see you have not many info on that. If anyone is interested, let me know, I will post some oppinions about it. :)
Post away, Queen G.

Since it seems girl players may be the minority, there are probably a minimal amount of players that have ever tried to give Edwin the kind of love that by birthright he so richly deserves.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:28 pm
by fable
The thread starter may not be female, or may. An avatar means nothing, and some male players have tried out the Edwin romance mod. (We had a thread about it, a while back.)

I'd like to see if others can successfully reproduce this cheese, or whether it's limited to a special set of circumstances--certain battles, Viconia, etc.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:01 pm
by dragon wench
I'd be interested in hearing your views on the Edwin Romance mod! :D
I played it a while back and thoroughly enjoyed it :laugh:

When I initially heard of the Edwin mod I was extremely sceptical... Edwin just did not strike as the sort of character capable of being in any kind of a relationship. But, I feel the mod's author (Laufey) did an excellent job, I was very surprised. Have you read Laufey's [url=""]Cards Reshuffled[/url]? (warning story contains some adult situations, though tastefully done)

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:29 am
by QuenGalad
It's QuenGalad, "talking with trees" in quenya :) name given to me by my quenya-speaking friend. But I don't mind being a queen, too ;)

And yes, I'm female, that's my own face in the avatar :D (best foto of me I ever had + Viconia's garments, washed ten times and disinfected, then dyed green in photoshop :) )

I shall try to produce third symbol of Talos that way, if I find some imprisonement-casting enemies, and we'll see.
And about Edwin - should I put it in SoA of ToB forum?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:43 am
by fable
In the SoA forum.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:55 am
by QuenGalad
OK, I put an enormous post about Edwin in SoA forum.

And buggrit, no-one wants to imprison that dark elf wench any more! Maybe they heard about the symbol effect? :laugh:
So if anyone has a priest with a holy symbol, please get them imprisoned so we could check this out. I'm having bad luck all day, and anyway, leaving her imprisoned is soo tempting...

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:15 am
by Lark
I encountered this bug as well. It worked for me with every cleric that was entitled to his holy symbol. Every time I kicked them out of the party, and reaccepted them, they did get a new holy symbol.

Best regards,

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:40 am
by QuenGalad
Thank you, Lark. Now we know it's not limited to a particular character, spell, etc. It's not limited at all, in fact. I haven't tried kicking her out (I sincerely have no idea why), silly me :D

Well, on to farming more symbols! Hey, wait... there's only two ring slots... :(

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 10:23 am
by fable
QuenGalad wrote:Thank you, Lark. Now we know it's not limited to a particular character, spell, etc. It's not limited at all, in fact. I haven't tried kicking her out (I sincerely have no idea why), silly me :D (
We know it works for more than one clerical NPC, but we don't know that it works for every spell. And it still may be limited to being used in certain portions of the game, or in certain areas--or even some other conditions we don't know.

So all we can say for sure is that at this point it appears to work with every clerical NPC who can get a holy symbol. Which is good; it's just no reason to claim at this point that it's 24/7 nonstop cheese available everywhere, all the time. ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:12 pm
by Onkel Bob
Hey wait! We don't really need to limit ourselves to just two symbols per cleric do we? Why not make some for the rogues as well? :mischief:

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:00 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
Hey wait! We don't really need to limit ourselves to just two symbols per cleric do we? Why not make some for the rogues as well?
that's just evil :D don't give in to the dark side :laugh:

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:03 am
by QuenGalad
Um... I already did that... :D my PC is an Assasin, and with UAI, it's just too tempting not to. :devil:
Hey! If you have two clerics, like Vic and Anomen, you could get your rogue to wear both Talos and Lathander symbol! :mischief: :devil: Now that's chaos!

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:21 pm
by Lark
I did a little testing and would like to add that this bug works in SoA as well as in ToB. It works in every situation when the class abilities of a character get refreshed. Not only when a char gets kicked out of the party and is reaccepted, but too, when a char gets dualed and the dualing process is abandoned, and at certain points in the story, too. It should for example work when you begin and finish the paladin's stronghold quests if you have the multi-stronghold-component of ease-of-use installed. So it seems to be "24/7 nonstop cheese available everywhere, all the time".


Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:21 am
by Celacena
slight spoilers

I'm afraid I was naughty and experimented on Sir Anomen - I tried maze, but that didn't work, but Imprisonment? yup - worked a dream - he got his 3rd holy symbol which I was able to pass on to Aerie.

My PC has now got the Circlet of Netheril, the Wizard ring (the one with bonuses after lvl 6) and Gaxx - plus he took extra spells as HLAs. Sir Anomen has 2 holy symbols, Aerie has one plus the other less powerful wizard's ring (4-5-6?) and Jaheira has the druid's ring. I seem to recall a druid's staff (other than woodland) with spell bonuses, but as she dual wields +4 scimitars or has a shield, the staff would lessen her tank status. Iron skins are always called upon. my tanks are clerics - as I posted before apart from Mazzy, who usually fires missiles, then closes with the +4 shortsword.
I now switch between the staff of the ram +6 (used with girdle of fire giant strength) and the SotM to de-buff. the staff of the ram DOES stun giants! even though it specifically says it doesn't - I have been fighting fire giants using just the PC mage and sent them flying back and unconscious.
I did the yaga-shura temple/home in the mountains - and did the second level as if soloing - a simulcrum did lots of damage and moved the giants around a bit, but it was my PC mage that waded in with the staff and simply knocked 7 shades of sh- out of them. level 23 I think.

Sir Anomen and Aerie both with holy symbols and jaheira with her augmentation puts us in the "liches are cry-babies" league. we absolutely slaughtered Marlowe's mate - party AI off - PC started with Time Stop - and used it to do mass invisibility in the hope of saving Marlowe (it worked) - then moved the party back towards the door before he could get True Sight - Sir A and Aerie turned undead on the flanks, which screwed the summoned allies - I think some contingencies had been triggered, but Imoen and PC slammed down the lich's defences and Jaheira gave him some insects to take care of, which I find disrupts casting, even from Liches. I've become partial to sphere of chaos and we unleashed a few of those to rattle the board and a few seconds later the PC waded in with his collection of big sticks. in all the excitement, I can't recall if it was a critical hit from my stick that finished him off or he just died of embarrassment.
the holy symbols meant that Anomen had a huge number of options and the PC, with the circlet etc can have an arsenal of high level spells ready to pop off. fallen planetars are great for morale.