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Jaheira, Branwen, Yeslick, Viconia or Faldorn?

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:37 am
by Reso
Who's the best cleric/overall healer in the game out of these five? I intentionally didn't count Quayle and Tiax because they're clearly not strong as Clerics alone. I also think Faldorn isn't in competition with the four, but she needed to be included as she's a pure Class. BTW, this is not considering BGII and that Jaheira and Viconia appear in the sequel. The reason I made this topic as I really cannot decide who's the best. They're probably the four most closely-matched characters in the game (not counting Faldorn).

Jaheira is of course a Druid, like Faldorn. She's multi-class, which means more tanking ability but less spellcasting ability. She's actually the best tank out of the five. Naturally as a Druid, she's Neutral. You get her the earliest. Unfortunately, she has the lowest WIS score of the four with 14.

Branwen is normally acquired second of the five, relatively near to the start of the game. She's a pure Cleric, which means more spells, however, she's not as good as Jaheira as a tank. She's Neutral. Also, she has the joint highest WIS score of 16, along with Yeslick and Faldorn. The third best tank of the five.

Yeslick takes the longest time to get out of all five, as you have to wait until the Cloakwood Mines to find him. He's multi-class like Jaheira, although he's obviously Cleric instead. His stats indicate that he's a slightly worse tank than Jaheira (they have identical STR and CON, but he has 12 to Jaheira's 14 DEX). He has the joint-highest WIS score of 16, along with Branwen and Faldorn. He's the only Good-aligned character of the five.

You normally come to Viconia third out of the five, but you can still get her from the start of the game. She's a pure Cleric like Branwen. She has 15 WIS, which is second lowest after Jaheira. She is a very weak tank, however a high DEX score is useful to her. Also, she has 50% magic resistance which many people are a fan of. She's the only Evil-aligned character out of the five. She's either the worst or second worst tank out of the five, in compeition with Faldorn, who cannot wear better than leather armor.

Faldorn is the only pure Druid of the five. She's got the joint best WIS score of 16. As a Druid, she's Neutral. You acquire her fourth out of the five characters, slightly before Yeslick, in Cloakwood. She's the joint worst tank along with Viconia, with higher STR and CON but lower DEX. Of course, as a pure Druid, she also can't wear better than leather armor.

Clerics vs. Druids: Clerics cannot use Scimitars and Spears. Druids cannot use Flails, Maces, Morning Stars and War Hammers. Of course, neither of these can use the stronger weapons such as Bastard Swords, Two-Handed Swords, etc. Clerics level up faster (I think!). As mentioned, pure Druids can't use any armor above leather. Clerics have other added spells and feats such as Turn Undead. Druids have a few bonus spells also.

That's their arguments summed up! :) In my opinion, pure Clerics or Druids aren't really necessary to make an effective healer. As mentioned, I'm undecided on who's the best, but Faldorn ranks in last place for various reasons (you get her late, pure Druid is unnecessary, bad tank).

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:12 am
by SpitfireV
Sort of a hard poll to answer, asking three questions in one :)

At present, using a good (rep 20) party, Branwen is the cleric/healer. She complains a lot, but with full plate and the hammer dropped by Bassilius, she can help occupy a monster's attention (Khalid is the main tank) while the rest burn it down with missiles. Viconia isn't an option with this party due to reputation, and Jaheria may be able to outdamage Branwen, but can't absorb the hits Branwen's full plate absorbs so she (Jaheria) is out. As a pure cleric, Branwen will level faster then Yeslick, thereby giving access to better spells sooner. That said, I may still end up with Yeslick if only to get rid of Branwen's constant complaining about our actions.:laugh:

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:28 am
by Jordoo
If you are playing BGI druids cannot use scimitars and jahiera has no harpers call and none of the clerics would reach that level to get raise dead anyway. But I will try to answer.

Good Party
1. Yeslick 16wis and the diference between 12 and 14 dex is exactly nothing making him a comparable tank to jahiera with more spells and a better selection of spells as a cleric. Also better weapon selection than a Druid.
2. Brawen 16wis and again cleric spells much more useful than druid spells in BGI.
3. Jahiera Better than Faldorn

Evil Party
1. Vicinia 50% MR 19 Dex pure class levels fast with Guantlets of Ogre Power can be used as a backup tank if buffed.
2. Tiax Love Him
3. Brawen

TUTU I would put Jahiera above Brawen better spell selection and also can use scimatars.

Overall I would Say Viconia is the best especially if you give her the tomes of wisdom.

PS: Personaly I think Tiax is a blast and much better than the druids if you have another Cleric in your party he can become very useful.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:45 pm
by DaemonJ
I don't even use the healing spells that they have available.

I always use them to buff up the party during fights, turn undead, provide ranged support, and provide a secondary source of melee power.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:17 pm
by kmonster
You forgot Tiax and Quayle, who is the best cleric NPC.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:09 am
by Reso
What is good about the Gnomes? You get them late, they're multi-class, Tiax and Quayle have 13 and 10 wisdom respectively. Also, Tiax is Evil.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:01 am
by kmonster
Higher wisdom only grants a few level1 or 2 bonus spell but Quayle's illusionist levels grant many, many spells.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:50 pm
by Jordoo
You can get bonus spells past level 2 I think up to level 4 spells.
But Tiax and Quayle are more powerful in class alone than say Faldorn.
Also Jahiera in the stock BGI game since she has no bonus spells either.
Quayle is great if you have a good cleric and mage already he just blasts off spells constantly.
Tiax has probably the best personality in BGI and is also a great character if surrounded properly. To bad you get him so late.

I tend to use clerics to buff and hold and disrupt the enemy more than to heal my party so for BGI that puts the Druids at the bottom of the list because of spell selection. If you are evil and have Tiax and Viconia You'll always have an army of sKeletons at your call and be able to hold and silence most of your enemies then youdon't need to heal anyone.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:41 pm
by Domi_Ash
Faldorn is the only pure Druid of the five. She's got the joint best WIS score of 16. As a Druid, she's Neutral. You acquire her fourth out of the five characters, slightly before Yeslick, in Cloakwood. She's the joint worst tank along with Viconia, with higher STR and CON but lower DEX. Of course, as a pure Druid, she also can't wear better than leather armor.
I'll speak in favor of Faldorn. Not only she has the funniest dialogues and coolest personality from all 5 listed characters (Talking BG1NPC mod here, and of bloody course I am bias on *that* account!), but as a pure druid she is a subject to aquire a kit under TUTU (at least in the older TUTU versions I played). And a Totemic Druid in TUTU game with Spirit Animals summons... Oh, my! Go, Faldorn!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:24 pm
by fable
Domi_Ash wrote:I'll speak in favor of Faldorn. Not only she has the funniest dialogues and coolest personality from all 5 listed characters (Talking BG1NPC mod here, and of bloody course I am bias on *that* account!), but as a pure druid she is a subject to aquire a kit under TUTU (at least in the older TUTU versions I played). And a Totemic Druid in TUTU game with Spirit Animals summons... Oh, my! Go, Faldorn!
Your party doesn't get any experience from the kills caused by summoned creatures in BG1, though, do they?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:17 pm
by Domi_Ash
It should be the same as in bg2, ie you get xp, or I always thought so. I never ckecked, just enjoyed the show....

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:30 pm
by Klorox
Viconia is probably the best healer out of the ones you've listed.

Yeslick is by far the most powerful though.

Viconia only comes out as the best healer because her very high WIS grants bonus spells. But these are low level spells. I suggest Yeslick as best for a few reasons:

1) I'll take the better saving throws over an unpredictable MR any day of the week.

2) Yeslick is the best Fighter out of everybody listed, and in the end, this is what the game is all about.

3) Hit Points

4) Good alignment makes it easy to keep him in most parties.

Yeslicks only drawback is that it takes a while to get him. I usually use Branwen and dump her when I find shorty. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:08 pm
by fable
Just to point out: an excellent made NPC mod for BG1 (and BG1 Tutu) is Finch, a young female gnome cleric. Her strength and dexterity are mediocre, but her wisdom is 16, and her intelligence is 15. I used Shadowkeeper to mutilclass her with a mage. She also comes with the same pair of spectacles sold in BG2 that act as an Identify scroll and may be used three times a day.

She also has a bookbag that acts as a scroll and book carrier, but takes up a second inventory slot with a deliberately useless "transcription" of books she's liked. Finch comes with a quest, has excellent and varied voiceovers, interjections and conversations with all other standard party NPCs. As the notes about her state: [color=amberShe is a hero, and she is a librarian! Check her out![/color]

If interested, you can find out more about her here, or download her from several locations here, on the right.

As far as the five listed up top, if Faldorn was converted into a Totemic Druid, she could hold her own. Otherwise, she seems pretty underpowered to me. Viconia would be my favorite, given her innate magic resistance, but I'm also very partial to Branwen. I've used both in old games.

I've just restarted a new BG1 run-through, with several mods. Finch is in it, and I'm running a cleric for the first time, using the Divine Remix mod to add clerical kits.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:42 pm
by sinbad71
i like to use branwen mainly with bassilus hammer and platemail as extra front rank muscle. Haven't much thought about using any others :-(

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:29 am
by Reso
Klorox wrote:Viconia only comes out as the best healer because her very high WIS grants bonus spells.
She only has 15 WIS, which is lower than everyone except Jaheira.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:51 am
by fable
Reso wrote:She only has 15 WIS, which is lower than everyone except Jaheira.
The Joinable NPCs section of the Gibberlings Three BG2 Tweak Pack lets you give BG1 Viconia her BG2 stats--so she ends up with a wisdom of 18. That may be what he was referring to.