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Merchants at the Keep *spoilers*
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:14 pm
by Solusek
At some point of the game when you have high enough road and land security levels, three differenct groups of merchants approach you, but you have no information about them. However, you have to choose which of them you want to set up a camp at your Keep. The first group is called "The Forgotten Lords", can't remember the other two.
So anyway, which group do you consider the best? Where do they actually set up their camp? And what are the advantages/disadvantages of each group? Thx in advance.
So long,
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:13 am
by Ningengirai
I don't think you'll ever directly have dealings with them, as they don't set up camp anywhere. However, choosing either of the groups can influence your alignment and how much money you make. With a high enough Appraise skill, which I had, I could see in-game what they were about, but unfortunately I don't remember anymore how exactly the alignment points were distributed, so caveat lector:
Circle of Friends - honest traders. Goody Two Shoes. Money's so-so. +1 Lawful
Forgotten Lords - traders foremost, likely to bend the law a little, but more revenue. +1 Chaotic.
Fated Winds - really, really shady, if not outright evil. +1 Evil, +1 Chaotic.
Again, caveat lector.
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:31 am
by Neverborn
Yeah, that's also how i remember it from my first run when my Mage had decent Appraise... (Also helps with examening the Village Charter)...
And on my last run my Evil char chose the last group, and became more evil...
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:52 am
by Solusek
Hmm... I guess I should raise my appraise skill in my next run. Seems to be that there are quite some occasions where you can put it to good use. Thx for the help
So long,
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:07 pm
by Kel
Circle of Friends and Paladins
Ningengirai wrote:I don't think you'll ever directly have dealings with them, as they don't set up camp anywhere. However, choosing either of the groups can influence your alignment and how much money you make. With a high enough Appraise skill, which I had, I could see in-game what they were about, but unfortunately I don't remember anymore how exactly the alignment points were distributed, so caveat lector:
Circle of Friends - honest traders. Goody Two Shoes. Money's so-so. +1 Lawful
Forgotten Lords - traders foremost, likely to bend the law a little, but more revenue. +1 Chaotic.
Fated Winds - really, really shady, if not outright evil. +1 Evil, +1 Chaotic.
Again, caveat lector.
Hi Ningengirai,
I am not sure how important the more revenue is to upgrade the Keep as I have been using my parties own funds until just lately when the tithing of Merchants has increased the Keeps income. I have set my tithes for farmers at none and for merchants as the same as Lord Nasher and just lately it has started paying dividends. I have built up over 500,000 gold by selling what I find and crafting alot of weapons and armor.
My main character a Paladin by choosing the Circle of Friends gained a +10 to Lawful and I don't really need the income as I am using Grobnar for my crafting of items to increase my parties funds.