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What should i be

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:30 am
by Areth
i am having a hard time diciding wat should i be a paladin or a celistial someone plsssssssss help meeeeeee :confused:

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 9:28 am
by George_K
The first time through, you might check out the Fighter. That one can still do magic with scrolls.

Do NOT play as an Urgoth, the giant character, because he will not fit through a hole at the top of a ladder where you must activate a shrine to get a message from a spirit.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:43 am
by Claudius
If your going all the way adept-> paladin -> crusader I think that is stronger than adept -> celestial -> stargazer.

You still have 2 learning bonuses for celestial magic (not 3 like stargazer) but you have WAY more armor weapons plus crushing blow. Stargazer also has some useless things like 10 ranks in scout!? :confused:

If your building a different tier 3 class and need pally or celestial to go along (you do realize you get 5 classes total, right?)...Then it depends what your plan is. Are you going to be a celestial caster with fighting (3rd tier fighter class), then take celestial as you should have enough armor weapons learning bonuses anyway and might want some magic. But if your going 3rd tier mage class then you can use arcane magic instead and just need a little celestial. Then take Paladin. Does that make sense? I might be wrong but my theory is to take something magic and something armor/weapons.

If I play again I want to play a samurai/crusader for wicked bleeding 2 weapon skills and a whole lotta weapons/armor :cool:


Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 11:07 am
by soupaman1
my opinion, what kind do you want to be, what do you want for your character?

i would choose paladin if it were me because i like my charecters to hit hard and just fight fight fight lol. so it basicly decides on if you want your guy to be hitting harder or learning more. in a way i guess lol.

yea i went the death lord way and i am using a demonic katana for my medium weapon and a no dochi night for the primary weapon, it rocks, also im using almost all of the death lord armor, i stil need to get the gloves and the belt. and no this file im not using steves 2d's because i play a hacked file and a normal file, still steve 2d's editor rocks.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:55 pm
by kathycf
Of the two, I would choose Paladin. This is a good class coupled with Fighter because you get stacking bonuses for armor and weapons. I am currently working on a Celestial because I am interested in trying out the different classes available, but so far I am not terribly impressed with the class. Don't forget you can add a celestial magic Eastern class if you wish, which would be Monk.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:27 am
by Areth
:confused: this isent my first time through and i what to raise i am a elf wich is a sorcerer/ adept and i want to have a wizard as my 3 tier so yeah or do you guys think

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:28 am
by kathycf
Areth wrote: :confused: this isent my first time through and i what to raise i am a elf wich is a sorcerer/ adept and i want to have a wizard as my 3 tier so yeah or do you guys think
Ok, well that wasn't clear from your initial post. :) Since you are familiar with the game then you must decide if you want an extra learning bonus for celestial magic by going with the Celestial class or whether you want heavy armor, weapons and shields (and 1 learning bonus for rune magic) by going with Paladin. I think most people are saying go with Paladin.
So you are shooting for an Adept/Mage Paladin/Sorcerer-Wizard. Seems good to me...

(If you have a female character I would also suggest Enchantress for a second tier class, that way you get a learning bonus for both celestial and arcane.)

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:04 am
by P0IS0N
A couple of friends and I have tried some interesting combos:
A dwarf: Fighter - Rogue - Marauder - Trickster - Deathlord
An elf male: Fighter - Mage - Samurai - Battlemage - Hatamoto
A human female: Fighter - Mage - Valkyrie - Samurai - War Witch
these combos come with a hell of a nice skill and heraldry combination.
I went for the third one and it seems to be a good choice.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:03 pm
by kathycf
I think he wanted to know more about the Paladin class.

This is also a good combo though for a female fighter:an adept/fighter-valkyrie/marauder-deathlord. I had that a while back and it was very powerful. 5 learning bonuses for armor and 4 for weapons plus the ability to wield any weapon in the game. Heavy poles aren't the greatest in my opinion, but it is nice to have the option (through valkyrie) to use them if I found some. Light and medium dual wield weapons is pretty nice too! Not so strong in the magic department, but you do get a learning bonus for celestial from being an adept and rune magic from being a valkyrie.

Currently in single player I am working on a mage/fighter shugenja/enchantress with ultimate goal of kenjassi. Lots of learning bonuses for arcane magic, as well as some for nether (which I don't use as much, but is a class requirement) plus even some smaller bonuses for armor, weapons and parry (fighter) and celestial and thief skills (enchantress). Enchantress is good because you get learning bonus for arcane and celestial magic and thief skills, plus gain channel and scribe.