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Lady Grey Quest ... Help!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:15 pm
by naylor
Please help,
I started the "Investigating lady grey" quest but then i started the helping lady grey quest to,
I want to finish the helping one but i when i talk to everyone marked green about her necklace, i talk to her again and all she says is "Heard anything about my necklace yet?"

so obviously ive done something wrong, is there like a way i can cancel a quest? [The prisoners one]

Please help
Anyway i can see my evil/good balance? TYY

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:39 pm
by swcarter
It sounds like you missed somebody you need to talk to. I think there are four or five people who give you information about the necklace.


Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:12 am
by DesR85
As what SWC had mentioned, there are at least 4 or 5 people that you need to approach (you can tell by the green markers). One of them will tell you where it is (Can't remember but he/she might mention something specific) but it's pretty much random so it's best to approach all of them.
naylor wrote: P.s:
Anyway i can see my evil/good balance? TYY
Go to the character menu and look for the character profile. Both the alignment bar and the renown bar is located at the top of the menu.