*** Spoilers ***
Vampiriana wrote:While the mechanics of gaining access to, and opening, the sarcophagus have been ably explained by Jhereg and others, the question remains as to why Jack and his possible Ming accomplices would risk releasing the presumed occupant. After all, Kindred legend held that it contained the corpse of a powerful vampire, perhaps an Antediluvian. Added to this was the fact of the psychic disturbance experienced by Los Angeleno vampires at the time of the arrival of the Elizabeth Dane. Why then would Jack et al take the chance of initiating Gehenna and its consequences? If the purpose of the raid on the ship was to prevent the sarcophagus from falling into the hands of LaCroix or other undesirables, then why not simply steal it and hide it somewhere safe?
Was Jack privy to special information that allowed him to use the arrival of the sarcophagus to plan the killing of LaCroix?
There have been other threads on this, as well. If you manage to get the correct dialog options from Johannsen, you are given the information that he had no idea about the existance of the sarcophagus until he got an envelope of information from an anonymous source, which led him directly to it.
That instantly begs the question of who would give him that information, did they know the thing would be shipped to LA, and did they know the contents of the sarcophagus? Inasmuch as even Johannsen didn't know about it until he got the letter, who sent it, and why? Then, who spread the rumors of an Antedeluvian in the box, since apparrently nobody else knew about it.
Like I said previously, there is much grist for a conspiracy mill here. Specifically, was this whole thing set up by somebody? inasmuch as the desired result seems to have been one of a) killing Lacriox, b) killing you, or c) getting rid of the non-anarch factions in LA, it would seem that ultimately, the ring-leader was one of the anarchs. Who? That's a whole other can of worms.
Jack has been credited with the whole mess, but an 18th century pirate? How would he know of a Messopotamian King in an undiscovered crypt in Turkey? Lacriox is not old enough, nor is Nines, Skelter, Damsel or pretty much anybody else. Isaac? Perhaps. At least his family line hails from the right part of the planet, and we don't know how old he might be. Gary is too young, as are Mitnick and Imalia. Andrei? Maybe, but if he is clever enough to set this up, how is it that he didn't see it might result in his own death?
The sheriff? Unlikely seeming, but we don't know how old he is, what clan he is from, how powerful he may be. All we really know about him is that he's powerful, doesn't speak a lot, has a really big sword, and was apparrently found in Africa. Enough unknowns to give him a place in the list of suspects. But again, if he's that smart, how was it that he didn't see his own death?