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The 6th Annual SYM Awards - Criteria

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:39 pm
by Kipi
As I haven't seen CM online much lately (how long has it even been since anyone spotted CM??), and the year has just changed, I decided to hijack this Award thread. So, here are the categories, everybody can nominate only ONE person per category. Nominations should be PMed to me.

Note! you can nominate only those to Lifetime Achievement who has never won the title.

Member Awards :
SYM Most Helpful Member
Criteria :
Male or female member of SYM who provide most help, info, and guidance for other SYM members in GB forums
Participants :
SYM active members & GB Mods

SYM Funniest Member
Criteria :
Male or female member of SYM who considered to be the funniest – in terms of posting jokes, comments and behavior
Participants :
SYM active members & GB Mods

SYM Most Loveable/Romantic Female Member
Criteria :
Do I need to say more on this one ?
Participants :
Female SYM active members & Female GB Mods

SYM Most Loveable/Romantic Male Member
Criteria :
Do I need to say more on this one ?
Participants :
Male SYM active members & Male GB Mods

SYM Best Couples
Criteria :
A pair of SYMurf and SYMette which related by how they just seem to concentrate their spamming on each other? Or they argue and bicker like hell? Or opposite attraction
Participants :
SYM active members & GB Mods

Lurker of the Year:
What the title says.
Participants :
SYM active members, SYM Banned members & GB Mods

Spammer of the Year
Fastest and wittiest spammer
Participants :
SYM active members & GB Mods

Most Perverted Member:
SYM's most perverted member.
Participants :
SYM active members, SYM Banned members & GB Mods

Thread Awards :
SYM Thread of The Year
Criteria :
Thread considered the most enjoyable based on individual voters personal motivations
Participants :
All Threads posted on SYM forum

SYM Best Tavern
Criteria :
A tavern Thread established on SYM which considered to have certain “aura” that makes members keep posting in it
Participants :
All Tavern Threads posted on SYM forum – closed or active

Misc. Awards :
SYM Best Avatar
Criteria :
The Coolest Avatar on SYM; most entertaining, unique, or fitting the members persona
Participants :
SYM active members & GB Mods
Additional requirement :
The Avatar cannot be changed during the voting period and must the winner must not change it at least one month after SYM Award Show

SYM Best Signature
Criteria :
A signature which considered the funniest or intellectual or reflect the personality of a SYM member.
Participants :
SYM active members & GB Mods
Additional requirement :
The Signature cannot be changed during the voting period and must the winner must not change it at least one month after SYM Award Show

SYM Best Location
Criteria :
Anything written on a SYM member location info; serious or humorous etc.
Participants :
SYM active members & GB Mods
Additional requirement :
The Location cannot be changed during the voting period and must the winner must not change it at least one month after SYM Award Show

Most stupid thing said in SYM
Criteria :
A line or quote posted by SYM member which consider as hilariously funny or something should not be spoken publicly towards SYM community
Participants :
SYM active members, SYM Banned members & GB Mods

Special Awards :
SYM Rookie The Year
Criteria :
new member (Relatively 6 months old from register date) who has established himself in the SYM community the most, be it in a serious or humourous sense
Participants :
SYM active members, SYM Banned members & GB Mods

SYM Livetime Achievement Award
Criteria :
A Member who has left his mark on SYM in such a way that SYM would feel like a different place without them. Or member who known to contribute on certain area in GB forums
Participants :
SYM active members, SYM Banned members & GB Mods

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:40 pm
by dragon wench
I hope you are aware, Kipi, that dealing with this event is far more work and hassle than you might think. :D
Just a warning :p

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:47 pm
by BlueSky
I would not put it as stupid, more as a misunderstanding, but the moment that I laughed so hard was in a thread and a member thought that all the discussion about mods, was about DW.....

reminds me of the time i stuck my foot in my mouth about a pregnancy and the lady was not expecting. LOL:laugh:

I'll have to see if I can find that thread again.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:54 pm
by Xandax
Kipi wrote:<snip>
Jackass of the Year :
Shoulb be obvious, right? :D
Participants :
SYM active members, SYM Banned members & GB Mods
Be careful with things like this one, as we do not want to get things out of hand, insults flying and old things dug up which could cause hurt feelings.
Be respectful, or the thread will be moderated.

GameBanshee Moderator
GameBanshee - Make Your Gaming Scream
Forum rules

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:56 pm
by Siberys
I nominate Magrus as the pervert one! He's been slacking a bit this year, but no one else has even tried compared to him. :p

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:09 pm
by Aegis
Good luck with this one, Kipi.... CM and I found much annoyance with this particular endeavor in the past.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:50 pm
by dragon wench
Aegis wrote:Good luck with this one, Kipi.... CM and I found much annoyance with this particular endeavor in the past.
Indeed... as did I last year when CM decided to bequeath it to me..
Be prepared for a lot of hard work when counting votes, actually *getting* people to cast their votes, and having people accuse you of gerrymandering the votes... :rolleyes:

It has its fun moments, for sure, but make sure you have several bottles of Tylenol handy... Oh, and a whip or or two likely wouldn't hurt either :D

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:09 am
by ik911
dragon wench wrote:Oh, and a whip or or two likely wouldn't hurt either :D
How can you say that? :( I still have the marks.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:50 am
by Magrus
ik911 wrote:How can you say that? :( I still have the marks.
Even if the marks go away from sight, they're still there. Always there deep down inside, reminding you. :o

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:56 am
by Kipi
Xandax wrote:Be careful with things like this one, as we do not want to get things out of hand, insults flying and old things dug up which could cause hurt feelings.
Be respectful, or the thread will be moderated.
Warning noted, and the category removed from this award list... :o

And apologizes if it insulted anyone... :(
dragon wench wrote: It has its fun moments, for sure, but make sure you have several bottles of Tylenol handy... Oh, and a whip or or two likely wouldn't hurt either
I think assault gun and few bottles of Vodka will do... :D :D

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:02 am
by DesR85
Kipi wrote: I think assault gun and few bottles of Vodka will do... :D :D
Placing MGs around might help when it comes to dealing with rioters. You may also need some Shermans in case things go awry. ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:41 pm
by Luis Antonio
*Jumps in*

OH! The Jackass awards!!! Its mine! Oh, no, that would be the troublemaker... oh... no... I dont know, I'm confused.


Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:07 am
by Sean The Owner
Luis Antonio wrote:*Jumps in*

OH! The Jackass awards!!! Its mine! Oh, no, that would be the troublemaker... oh... no... I dont know, I'm confused.

id say its between you and weasel... :D do i say no offence meant? or offence was meant? or just nothing at all?

EDIT: just realized its gone...dam :( oh well

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:44 am
by slade
*salutes Kipi* I pray that you empty out your inbox before the nominations start coming in :p

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:01 am
by Tricky
What does SYM mean anyways?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:34 am
by Xandax
Tricky wrote:What does SYM mean anyways?
Speak Your Mind - it is just an acronym for this forum's name.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:34 am
by Tricky
Gah! Thanks for clearing that up. :rolleyes:

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:31 pm
by Sean The Owner
slade wrote:*salutes Kipi* I pray that you empty out your inbox before the nominations start coming in :p
oh, we send him a private message to nominate people? and i was just about to post some peoples names on here... :D well, im not getting the SYM most helpful member...although i could get the "most stupid thing said in SYM" award? haha

i should get the spammer award as well, because i made about 350 posts in SYM since i randomly came back a few months ago...and only like 50 werent spam...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:38 pm
by Magrus
Sean The Owner wrote:i should get the spammer award as well, because i made about 350 posts in SYM since i randomly came back a few months ago...and only like 50 werent spam...
Boy, this place has changed for someone to think himself worthy of the spammer award for tossing out 300 posts in a few months. :speech:

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:34 pm
by dragon wench
Magrus wrote:Boy, this place has changed for someone to think himself worthy of the spammer award for tossing out 300 posts in a few months. :speech:
Indeed! :D
I also think, frankly, that where the spammer category goes it should not apply to spam for the sake of empty spam; it should be judged for grace and wit. In my books the virtual equivalent of verbal diarrhoea does not merit any particular recognition :p