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toughest battle
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:27 am
by minsc and boo
hi, I've jsutr finsihed Soa and doing tob, and just as a bit of trivia. any ideas on which battle was the hardest for diffrent people
for me i think firkraag was the toughest until i tried the trick with talking to him and attacking
or the stupid as it is, the hobgoblins just next to the otyguh in the copper cornet, since i was using solo kensia for a while
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:57 am
by wise grimwald
I thought he was one of the toughest too, but when I played in multiplayer mode with three of my own characters plus a few that I'd picked up, he was a doddle. Whether it was because I had three of my own players, because I had more luck, or because I've learnt a bit more, I don't know, but it was nice to see him running round like a headless chicken for a change.
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:51 pm
by Pellinore
Other than Ace'lect
, Kangaxx and the baddie in ToB...... I would have to say the hardest battle for me was the Shadow Dragon.
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:35 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
firkraag first time I tried him. took me about 4 hours of reloading with a level 15 party
now I can do him with no reloads or maybe 1 or 2 at most with a level 9 party
other than that I'd say the only fight that gives me trouble is the final battle of ascension. it is hard even if you know what your doing.
this game in general is pretty easy as long as you have a balanced party and know how to use mages and clerics
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:06 pm
by DaemonJ
The fight with PebbleCrusher's group when you first get out of Irenicus' dungeon was the toughest to me. The party is small, low in level, and without much to speak of for weapons and armor.
After that, I found the majority of the fights fairly easy except of course Kangaxx.
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:12 pm
by dragon wench
I think any of the more difficult fights can be either challenging or relatively straightforward, depending on the tactics you use and the level at which you attempt them.
For example, if you have a couple of mages in your party and tackle any of the dragons by first peppering them with Lower Resistance and then Magic Missiles, the fight tends to be over quite quickly.
Similarly, if you use two or more protection against undead scrolls against Kangaxx, with a little luck you can often walk away without a scratch.
And so forth...
I do recall though, the first time I played the game, I had to reload a lot before defeating the Twisted Rune, so I think I'd be inclined to rank it as one of the more challenging battles of BG2.
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:20 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
I find Kangaxx to be highly over rated his first form in no tougher than any lich and his second form has yet to live to even attempt imprisoning one of my teammates so long as I have MoD +2.
ps I'd never do something as cheesy as using a scroll to win a fight
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:05 am
by anarchistica
The Ravager is probably the hardest enemy in the game. He has 534 HP and has aid from animated swords. I believe it's the only enemy soloers have trouble with.
The hardest enemy i faced was Mulahey in the Nashkel Mines. I was at a pretty low level and didn't have the best party in the world.
Abazigal can be a pain too, i even had to rest before i could take him out without losses.
Every other enemy is fairly hard to dead easy. The Demi-Liches are easy because you can use Protection from Undead (heck, i just rushed the 2nd one and took him out before he Imprisoned anyone). Dragons can usually be Spike Trapped (4 does the trick). Demogorgon dies to 5 Spike Traps, the Black-Hearted dies to 7 or less. Et cetera.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:24 pm
by ronin69hof
With BP installed you get 4 Rune Assassins that spawn after completing the Tanner murders and leaving his building. It might seem like a easy encounter but I had to do not soon after leaving Irenicus's dungeon with a very weak party. For me that was the worst battle I ever did, must have reloaded 30 -40 times before I got all of them without getting anyone killed or chunked.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:16 pm
by Lark
For me the toughest and most enjoyable battle was the seal party of nalmissra & co.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:39 am
by boo's daddy
Probably spoilers
(Unmodded game)
Lark wrote:For me the toughest and most enjoyable battle was the seal party of nalmissra & co.
Me too. Draconis gave me a hell of a time as well.
Closely followed by demogorgon, whom I had to cheese with traps, then the sewers party, who handed me my over-confident hamster's ass for several reloads.
Kangaxx and Twisted Rune were done with no reloads, but plenty of spoilers, which counts as cheese I would think.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:59 am
by Celacena
Kangaxx - obviously - until you understand the parameters - I think with a protection from magic scroll, I did it second go, but the challenge is NOT using the scrollm which is more fun.
demagorgon - and the henchthings - I got really frustrated trying to do it without what some people on here call 'cheese'. spell-strikes etc aplenty and everything under the sun thrown at it - all party killed, as with
twisted rune - took a bit to notice everything that was going on - so many considerations, but worth it in the end - a real challenge, but you can wait until you feel ready for it
pub brawls - one or two of the 'other party' pub brawls did a lot of damage.
almost forgot - the undead room in the Underdark - sheeesh!