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Question Abou Conversation With Kreia And HK,
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:50 pm
by Utico
Playing the game recentally I alway pick being good and not doing anything dark. Getting Influence with these characters are kind oftough to get. So I thought I would ask the board. The question is the same between between the two. It is "Did you know Revean?" If anyone happens to know please post on what they say. If you can please be specific. (I played KOTOR 1 and I know the relation with Hk and Revan I just want to know what he specifically says.)
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:11 am
by Tovec
A little clarification..
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Are you asking how to get influence with the Darker members of the party? The best way is to be horrible with them but don't do anything bad outside it. I mean that when it comes to it, agree with Kreia then say the exact opposite when talking to Atton. HK likes death and violence so just remember that and you'll be fine. I'm not suggesting to do anything outright against your character, anything that will get your alignment changed, but to get the darker aspects to like you you have to seem dark. If you don't want to stoop then sorry but there really isn't any way to get them to like you. Another way that Could work is bring them along the entire game once, see when they compliment you when you do something being LS, then the next time bring them for those specific missions and they'll see the part they like.
Also I do have the suggestion to try being DS. It doesn't change much but it always helps to have the perspective to know what the bad and good guys are thinking. I think it makes you a better player having at a least tried the other alignment. (I usually play LS too.)