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Need help on Peninsula quest

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:17 pm
by Caranthe
I've gotten into the prison and all the way down to the Devourer's Lair.

- I can't finish a conversation with any of the guards (I believe there are four of them?) without the Head Gaoler noticing (and attacking) me.
So the option of having them all leave is out.
- Once I do kill the HG, any remaining guards (I might get lucky and persuade one to leave) remain non-hostile, so where has the Devourer gone?
- Even if I kill the HG straight away and then cold-bloodedly attack the guards, after they're all down there still isn't a Devourer to fight...

Have I ran into a bug or is there something else I need to do?
This is the first quest I'm going for. I did get all pertinent info from Aribeth (at least I think so), and have also talked to Cpt. Kipp and Sedos Sebile.
I killed the gang leader in the sewers and used his key to enter the main gate of the prison (though I don't think it makes a difference *how* I got there). I also talked with Master Johns, but I didn't go to the Tanglebrook estate.

Hope somebody can help me out!

Many thanks,

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:23 pm
by GoldDragon
Tanglebrook Estate only gives access to the HG's Office.

When the HG dies, the Devourer should appear in his place. and run to one of the guards. When the guards are dead/persuaded to leave, you then fight the Devourer.

Alternatively, just kill the Devourer, and let it take over the guards.

When you clear the room, and the devourerer has to fight as just itself, it's immune to fire...

If the above doesn't happen, you may have a bug.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 2:22 am
by Caranthe
Sounds like I'm bugged, then..

Nope, no Devourer appears after I kill the HG.. as said, the (four?) guards in the room all remain non-hostile until I attack one of them...

So far, I've tried these three scenario's:
- Kill the HG, then persuade the guards
- Kill the HG, then kill the guards
- Attempt to persuade a guard, kill the HG, then kill the remaining guards

In neither of these case the Devourer showed up.
So if this is a bug how do I proceed?


Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:47 pm
by GoldDragon
I usually have my henchman (Typically Daelen Red Tiger), My Familliar (Psuedo dragon, as I play Wizard), and an animal summoning attack the HG, while I go around trying to Persuade the Guards to leave. I can usually get three of them to leave before the HG dies, but sometimes four.

As for proceeding from it being bugged, I suggest going to the Bioware forums and asking. You are patched to 1.68, right?

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:39 am
by Caranthe
Well, I'm a Ftr myself, so I brought Sharwyn for support/healing, and no familiar.. :)

As for patches, I didn't actually install any.. where might I find them?


Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:49 am
by Kipi
There is autoupdater in the game.

It's either in the directory of the game, or the autorun list...

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:25 am
by Rockdomchick
When the cd loads, you should get a list inc. "play" "multiplayer" and a few others, there should be one on the list called "update". If you click on that it should automatically find and patch the game for you.

God luck! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:53 am
by Caranthe
Thanks a bunch everyone! I'll give it a shot as soon as I get home..


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:56 am
by Caranthe
Hmm.. that patch is a pretty hefty dl for my poor dialup connection... :( But apparently there's a console command for spawning the brain :)
(Though I wish I could spanw the Devourer itself.. can always use more XP..)

Anyways muchas gracias for all the help!
