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Alignment Quiz?
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 11:08 am
by OldBigfoot
Hi All,
I heard there was a quiz one could take here that would assign a DnD type alignment to a person. Can't find the quiz anywhere around here so far. Of course it's probably in plain sight like everything else I can't find turns out to be
Can anybody point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 1:02 pm
by Aegis
You might a better response if you ask this in the DnD, or SYM section of the forums.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 5:46 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by OldBigfoot:
I heard there was a quiz one could take here that would assign a DnD type alignment to a person. Can't find the quiz anywhere around here so far. Of course it's probably in plain sight like everything else I can't find turns out to be
Can anybody point me in the right direction? Thanks!
IIRC there is one on the D&D mainsite

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 7:22 am
by OldBigfoot
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>You might a better response if you ask this in the DnD, or SYM section of the forums.</STRONG>
Thanks for responding with your suggestion. Actually when I was visiting Buck's Pool of Radiance section a few minutes ago, I found a link to the quiz, which is on the Wizards of the Coast site. So, I have my answer
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 7:32 am
by OldBigfoot
Originally posted by Mr Sleep:
<STRONG>IIRC there is one on the D&D mainsite

Mr Sleep,
You *DO* recall correctly

As I mentioned in my reply to Aegis, I found a link to the quiz in Buck's Pool of Radiance section a few minutes ago; the quiz in on the Wizards of the Coast sight. Thanks for the response. Think I'll jump on over and take it
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 11:46 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by OldBigfoot:
<STRONG>Mr Sleep,
You *DO* recall correctly

As I mentioned in my reply to Aegis, I found a link to the quiz in Buck's Pool of Radiance section a few minutes ago; the quiz in on the Wizards of the Coast sight. Thanks for the response. Think I'll jump on over and take it
I was Neutral Good, which was a funny coincidence since that is what i always played in BG

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 2:41 pm
by OldBigfoot
Originally posted by Mr Sleep:
<STRONG>I was Neutral Good, which was a funny coincidence since that is what i always played in BG

Mr Sleep,
I turned out True Neutral. Hmmm...maybe that just means I'm really wishy-washy
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2001 5:05 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by OldBigfoot:
<STRONG>Mr Sleep,
I turned out True Neutral. Hmmm...maybe that just means I'm really wishy-washy

Do you play True Neutral?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2001 5:33 am
by Quark
It said I'm Neutral Good, pretty close. I seem to be half-way between Neutral and Chaotic Good, depending on the situation.
Incidentally that's what I almost always play, either one.
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2001 7:38 am
by OldBigfoot
Originally posted by Mr Sleep:

Do you play True Neutral?

Mr Sleep,
I've tried to play True Neutral recently, but over the long run I've probably most often played Neutral Good or Choatic Good. I don't like playing evil characters -except occasionally, just for kicks

- but too much Lawful Good "Paladin-type" stuff makes me want to barf!
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2001 9:27 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by OldBigfoot:
<STRONG>Mr Sleep,
I've tried to play True Neutral recently, but over the long run I've probably most often played Neutral Good or Choatic Good. I don't like playing evil characters -except occasionally, just for kicks

- but too much Lawful Good "Paladin-type" stuff makes me want to barf!
Yeah i know what you mean

I am neutral good merely because my actions are usually good, but they occasionally veer off the true path

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2001 4:23 pm
by Sailor Saturn
That alignment quiz said I'm Neutral Good.

I am
not Neutral Good. I'm purely chaotic.

I usually play Chaotic Good.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2001 1:33 pm
by Rob-hin
Can someone provide a link? I can't find this test anywere but I'd like to do it.
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2001 2:40 pm
by OldBigfoot
Originally posted by Rob-hin:
<STRONG>Can someone provide a link? I can't find this test anywere but I'd like to do it.</STRONG>
The URL is: [url=""][/url]
(unless I screwed up the typing)
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2001 3:51 pm
by ThorinOakensfield
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2001 5:30 pm
by Aegis
Chaotic Good for me. I do whats needed, but appartenly, I'm very unpredictable in it.
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2001 4:30 am
by Rob-hin
The link worked like a charm!
Thnx man!
The test says I'm Neutral Good, but I always play Chaotic good.
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2001 4:59 am
by Craig
I took one and was lawful good then i took another and got CG
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2001 5:04 am
by Craig
Now im nuetral good
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2001 5:06 pm
by Nightmare
Depends on situation. Some days I'm Neutral Good, some days True Neutral.