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Fresh Install - What do I need?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:18 am
by wbclark
I'm reinstalling both SoA and ToB and I need to know what mods to get and in which order to install them.

The mods thread lists several packs that fix bugs. Which should I get?

In addition, I would also like to use Dalis Swords, Lvl 1 NPCs, and NPC Flirtpack. I know Lvl 1 NPCs said it should be installed last if possible. Should any others go at the end?

Also, are there any other high quality mods that add banter that you recommend?

I know this may have been answered, but the only things I could find were lists of mods, not which ones were actually essential and in which order to install them.

Thanks for the help

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:05 pm
by windchime

look at this, very detailed:
Installation Orders
i would add banter packs and unfinished business (both WEIDU)

see ya

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:45 pm
by Belladonna
Unfinished Business is a good mod to add. It brings back some of the cut content in the game.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:33 pm
by RPG Guy (sorta)
Okay, who wants to tell me why there are so many damn mods and patches? ...and why is the installation order so damn sensitive??? (YIKES!!!)

I thought I'd run out and get a Gold Edition which packages BG1 + BG2 but now I'm reading about all these mods and whut-nots. The game(s) were released more than 5 years ago so, is there not a source or version of the games that are macro-patched for all us newbs????

Obviously I want the most out of my BG experience but I don't want some tool's version of the game....I want the most bug-free experience obviously but not at the cost of bastardizing the developer's effort or vision here.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:49 am
by Chippox of Doom
I couldnt agree more with RPG Guy, Give us newbs some slack already! heh