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Monk's AC?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:03 pm
by Tricky
Hi again. Since I spend the better part of NWN2 figuring out what kind of build I wanted to play, I figured I might as well get all that over with before I even get BG1&2. I had killer build in NWN2, I discussed it in this thread: ... k+creation

In short it was a shapeshifter build that had some monk levels which introduced AC bonusses based on wisdom score on top of the demon form. Being both a very weak human and the toughest possible demon at the same time allowed for an interesting type of duality in game and roleplay. I want to try that again, but I don't know if that same wisdom-to-AC rule applies for monks in this game. I know about all the different D20 version, I just don't know if this happens to be a NWN2 novelty.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:04 pm
by Tricky
Well, I've since learned that the AC bonus to Wisdom should count under the 3rd edition of D20, which was launched in the same year as BG2's release. That's a little clue, but meaningless BG2 'borrowed' BG1's ruleset. What do you think?

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:18 pm
by Magrus
Well, I haven't played BG2 much, but in order to do that I believe you would need to play a druid or wizard with the polymorph spell do see if it would work. I believe it should, however that doesn't mean it will. You would probably be better off doing a monk/druid and using Wild Shape if you do try one of the two builds. Druids use Wisdom for casting spells, and that would negate the need for both a high Int and Wis.

Note that if you do use the Wild Shape ability for the core of your build, your physical stats should change according to the form you take while the mental ones stay the same. Meaning, you will probably want a high Con and Wis. The rest are all questionable, being dependant on how often you plan on using the Wild Shape in combat, and how smart and personable you want your character to be.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:36 pm
by Tricky
I realize that. I think I had the right idea with the NWN2 build. If the AC bonus doesn't apply I'll just go for some extra will saves instead. Might do the physical werewolf prowess some good.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:24 pm
by dragon wench
I hope I'm understanding your question correctly, but in BG2 you cannot, to the best of my knowledge, dual class monks in any shape or form...

However, this mod from G3 may be of interest to you:
G3: Sword and Fist

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:38 pm
by Tricky
Well, I am sure glad I am considering this before I'm halfway through the game. :D

About the link, I don't see anything there about the mod making monk multiclasses possible. Am I misinterpreting something?

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:10 pm
by dragon wench
Tricky wrote:Well, I am sure glad I am considering this before I'm halfway through the game. :D

About the link, I don't see anything there about the mod making monk multiclasses possible. Am I misinterpreting something?
lol! You may want to look at the various class options available. To be brief, humans can dual class in some classes. However you cannot dual monks, paladins or sorcerers.
Elves and half elves can multiclass (as can halflings, gnomes and dwarves I believe, no idea about orcs)

The difference between dual and multiclassing is that a character who is dual classed starts off with, for example, 10 levels in fighter, they then dual to a thief. But they are not able to use their fighter abilities until thief levels are one greater than their fighter levels. Also, once you dual class a character they can no longer advance in their first class.

Multiclass characters start off with both classes (though diluted, I believe) from the beginning, and continue to advance in them.

I prefer the latter, but you'll get all kinds of opinion on that particular question :D

Note: you can also triple class elves and the like, in which case you can create something like a fighter/mage/thief. But, this is not commonly done since these characters level *very* slowly, especially in a full 6 member party.
And since a huge plus to this series (especially BG2 and ToB) is the party banter, it's nice to have a full party, at least the first time through.

Regarding the mod, no it won't let you dual class monks, it just makes monks in BG2 closer to their pure class counterparts in NWN or IWD2.
There may be mods out there that do allow for monks to be multiclassed, but I haven't seen any.
There is a game editing program called [url=""]Shadow Keeper[/url] that lets you do quite a few different things with the game, and that might offer some possibilities... but you need to be very careful when you begin messing around with the game mechanics like that.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:39 pm
by Tricky
Hm, I see. I'm going to have to come up with something else then. Thank you for clearing that up.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:22 pm
by dragon wench
Tricky wrote:Hm, I see. I'm going to have to come up with something else then. Thank you for clearing that up.
No problem. :)
Since I had a moment I went and looked at BG2 classes by pulling up my character creation screen.
I can't comment on dual classing humans, since I rarely play humans, and then only if I want to roll a monk, but here are your choices for multi and triple classing:


fighter/mage thief

Half Elves



fighter/illusionist mage
illusionist mage/thief
cleric/illusionist mage





Half Orcs


Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:38 pm
by Tricky
Thanks, that is useful. I do want to retain that sparkle of exclusiveness to my character. I'm getting off-topic by the way. I'll take any further questions to PM's or new threads.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:23 am
by Magrus
:confused: That isn't right at all. They mixed 2nd and 3rd edition into the game. UGH, that's crazy. No wonder there are questions on game rules. :speech: Well, that negates everything I put down based on the rules, as the game developers butchered the rule sets I am familiar with and made their own!