Help me learn to play morrowind
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:00 pm
Hi I'm a new player and am kind of confused. I have tried to do searches but everything is so diluted. I do a search on sneak and I get all kind of threads but nothing about sneak!!!
Anyhow I'm trying to build a character that will be fun for me to play. I like to do a variety of things. I have questions about stealing, magic, and combat.
Question 1) Magic - I dont understand this very well. You only get a limited amount of magicka points and then you are out. Spells have a chance to fail all the while you might be getting eaten by something bad. Even when you do cast a spell the ability doesn't level very fast I feel. Example I hit level 10 without training core 10 skills and my magic skill restoration still hadn't leveled. The exception I found was alchemy. By buying crab and egg you can level alchemy like mad and earn crazy money but it kind of spoils the game?
Question 2) Combat - I think I understand this one. Earn gold to buy good things/find them. Train up weapon and armor (one or more). Kill things. I guess theres no question other than what else makes you good at combat? Kind of tied to 1 as I could think maybe magic but you run out of magic and can't cast and chop at same time anyhow.
Question 3) Stealth - I get frustrated looking for something to steal. I'm sure there are great things if you have the patience to look everywhere.
Sneak - I try to use this in shops to get them to not see me so I can take expensive things. It only works if I am totally out of the room and never when I am barely out of eyeshot. ALSO IT NEVER LEVELS UP. NOT 1/100 OF THE METER HAS GONE UP THE WHOLE LEVEL 10 AND I HAVE IT AS MAJOR SKILL. Plus it is useless in combat. Even if you totally sneak someone its a useless advantage. Initiative isn't a big deal.
Security - is this good class skill or should it be misc skill and trained to about 20 to get easy locks open screw hard ones?
Speech - Usually seems counterproductive. A big money suck bribing the ones you failed to admire to get them to like you and get a good price again? But bribing seems good
Question 4 What skills are good?
Magic - I like all of these but wouldn't choose them as maj/min because I don't seem to use them enough to level (magicka doesn't regenerate unless sleep)
Combat - I like one weapon, Heavy Armor (best protection), Block, Athletics, Armorer (miscellaneous skill train to 20)
Stealth - I like: Mercantile (yes please), Security (but doesn't level fast), Speech (is this really necessary???), Light armor (to lighten the load), Short blade (use as a light backup weapon) I suppose there are some places where insane acrobat or levitate get you some loot.
Question 5 I think these skills are bad but maybe I am just new?
Magic - none are bad. all good even unarmored helps if your armor breaks at a critical time. More magic skill is good to have more options but as I have already said I don't understand how you level this besides training or cheesing with cantrips and sleeping. My idea is to use potions and enchanting (paid) to get the magic I need with some basic level for utility spells (mark recall restore attribute healing etc)
Combat - Armorer is pretty lame. Just train to 20 and always carry 10 hammers on each mission. If it doesn't work just keep hammering away and use lots of hammers to get job done. more than 2 types of weapons or two types of armor seems pretty dumb. Athletics speeds the game up but no combat advantage I see.
Stealth - Sneak seems horrible considering I can't get it to level it doesn't advance and surprise is no help in combat. I will admit sneak is psychologically fun!! See combat for rule against too many types of armor/weapons. Hand to Hand seems absolutely horrible unless you want to role play cain from kung fu. marksman is fine except fishy to shoot arrows from point blank.
This is a hard game the only way I got to level 10 was gold bonanza from alchemy. I would like to learn to play the game role playing wise but I don't want to get killed or never advance in level!!!!
Please help!
Thank you,
PS I just tried making a mage with all the magic skills except unarmed, conjuration, and ??? with Light Armor, short blade, and Mercantile. I did the potion thing to make money then eventually got repeatedly owned by the ninja guy
I want to make a guy and not have to start over!!!
Anyhow I'm trying to build a character that will be fun for me to play. I like to do a variety of things. I have questions about stealing, magic, and combat.
Question 1) Magic - I dont understand this very well. You only get a limited amount of magicka points and then you are out. Spells have a chance to fail all the while you might be getting eaten by something bad. Even when you do cast a spell the ability doesn't level very fast I feel. Example I hit level 10 without training core 10 skills and my magic skill restoration still hadn't leveled. The exception I found was alchemy. By buying crab and egg you can level alchemy like mad and earn crazy money but it kind of spoils the game?
Question 2) Combat - I think I understand this one. Earn gold to buy good things/find them. Train up weapon and armor (one or more). Kill things. I guess theres no question other than what else makes you good at combat? Kind of tied to 1 as I could think maybe magic but you run out of magic and can't cast and chop at same time anyhow.
Question 3) Stealth - I get frustrated looking for something to steal. I'm sure there are great things if you have the patience to look everywhere.
Sneak - I try to use this in shops to get them to not see me so I can take expensive things. It only works if I am totally out of the room and never when I am barely out of eyeshot. ALSO IT NEVER LEVELS UP. NOT 1/100 OF THE METER HAS GONE UP THE WHOLE LEVEL 10 AND I HAVE IT AS MAJOR SKILL. Plus it is useless in combat. Even if you totally sneak someone its a useless advantage. Initiative isn't a big deal.
Security - is this good class skill or should it be misc skill and trained to about 20 to get easy locks open screw hard ones?
Speech - Usually seems counterproductive. A big money suck bribing the ones you failed to admire to get them to like you and get a good price again? But bribing seems good
Question 4 What skills are good?
Magic - I like all of these but wouldn't choose them as maj/min because I don't seem to use them enough to level (magicka doesn't regenerate unless sleep)
Combat - I like one weapon, Heavy Armor (best protection), Block, Athletics, Armorer (miscellaneous skill train to 20)
Stealth - I like: Mercantile (yes please), Security (but doesn't level fast), Speech (is this really necessary???), Light armor (to lighten the load), Short blade (use as a light backup weapon) I suppose there are some places where insane acrobat or levitate get you some loot.
Question 5 I think these skills are bad but maybe I am just new?
Magic - none are bad. all good even unarmored helps if your armor breaks at a critical time. More magic skill is good to have more options but as I have already said I don't understand how you level this besides training or cheesing with cantrips and sleeping. My idea is to use potions and enchanting (paid) to get the magic I need with some basic level for utility spells (mark recall restore attribute healing etc)
Combat - Armorer is pretty lame. Just train to 20 and always carry 10 hammers on each mission. If it doesn't work just keep hammering away and use lots of hammers to get job done. more than 2 types of weapons or two types of armor seems pretty dumb. Athletics speeds the game up but no combat advantage I see.
Stealth - Sneak seems horrible considering I can't get it to level it doesn't advance and surprise is no help in combat. I will admit sneak is psychologically fun!! See combat for rule against too many types of armor/weapons. Hand to Hand seems absolutely horrible unless you want to role play cain from kung fu. marksman is fine except fishy to shoot arrows from point blank.
This is a hard game the only way I got to level 10 was gold bonanza from alchemy. I would like to learn to play the game role playing wise but I don't want to get killed or never advance in level!!!!
Please help!
Thank you,
PS I just tried making a mage with all the magic skills except unarmed, conjuration, and ??? with Light Armor, short blade, and Mercantile. I did the potion thing to make money then eventually got repeatedly owned by the ninja guy