questions & answers
VonDondu wrote:
There are some NPCs you shouldn't kick out because they will become less fond of your character if you do (such as Jaheira), but most NPCs will wait for you to come back and no harm is done.
As far as I know, Cernd's quest is over after he finds his child. I don't remember the details, but I think the child is supposed to go to the Druid Grove where Cernd can continue neglecting him. As you can probably tell by my comments, that quest is not a top priority for me.
When you mention Nalia's quest, are you talking about the job she hired you to do--that is, to repel the invaders who attacked her family's home? If so, you ought to do that one right away. I'm surprised she hasn't reminded you of the urgency. Also, do you know about the strongholds? After you clear out the keep, Nalia will make a deal with you. If you accept her offer, that will start another series of quests.
After you finish Nalia's quest, some time should have passed. I think a messenger should come for Mazzy to start her personal quest. There's not much to it. Once you finish it, you can dismiss her (temporarily or permanently) and recruit any other NPC you want to, and when you're done with them, you can take Mazzy back if you still want her.
I don't know how much you've read about the game, and I don't want to you give you too much information. But are you sure you have finished all of the other quests? For example, there are some minor quests in the Graveyard that you might miss if you're not there at the right time. You can clean out the tombs if you haven't already done so. I assume that you have talked to Lord Jierden in the Copper Coronet, but have you explored the back rooms? Have you done the quest that starts in the Temple District? Have you seen the Guarded Compound that is listed on your map? Have you visited the playhouse in the basement of the Five Flagons Inn? There are some interesting adventures behind some locked or hidden doors that are easy to miss (I had no idea they existed the first time I played the game) in the Seas Bounty, the Crooked Crane, a building in the southwest corner of the Bridge District, and the building next to Mae'Var's Guildhall. Do you know about the Sewer Key or the Twisted Rune?
Thanks for your quick answer!
1. I've got a thing going with Jaheira, but the first time we had some dialogues and now it's been a very long time since we discussed something personal... I thought i had done a mistake until she reacted when i slept with the Drow in the Underdark. So i reloaded and told the Drow that i was a eunuch! Pretty embarassing but i did it for love...
2. I got Cernd's child back very easily (yes he took it to the Druid Grove), because Deril had some guest and he just wanted to be over with it so he just gave the baby to Cernd. But he was annoyed and said something that sounded like it's not gonna end there. Moreover, his guest was like a lich, so i'm curious what they were up to. (Or it might need a mod like Unfinished Business, i don't know. I have a clean install of SoA and ToB)
3. I have done Nalia's quest, I just used her name instead of Mazzy's by mistake. I agreed that my maid should marry Jessup some days ago and gave them 500g to make them happy. I'm looking forward to the Roenal invasion in the future...
4. As for the other quests u mention, i've done them all except:
- I don't know where this Crooked Crane is or what it is.
- I don't know anything about the Twisted Rune.
- About the Graveyard, i helped the little child's ghost, his parents thanked me, also i found one buried alive and killed the kidnappers involved (they were in the building S/E in Bridge District u mention, i think), i killed someone's zombie-uncle, the only thing i haven't found out is what's going on with Camir the Paladin, do u have any idea how i can help him?
- I had found the Sewer Key (do u remember where it was?) and i suspected where it fitted, but i wouldn't go there until much later if a friend of mine hadn't told me what was hiding there. By the way, Mind-Flayers have been the toughest opponent for me since now. They have caused about 90% of the deaths in my party, i almost drained the Rod of Ressurection in the Underdark. But i guess if i had found some anti-psionics earlier (or if i had used beter tactics) it would be easier.
5. I guess i shouldn't worry about Mazzy's and Cernd's personal quests, maybe i should go pick Valygar again... though i'm beggining to like Mazzy (the opposite happened with Cernd). But Valygar uses some weapons and does some things no-one else in my party can do... I don't know!