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Ok, Now SoU help please

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:21 am
by laditricsie
I still can't get thru Drogan's lab. I have tried everything that was mentioned in the other threads but to no avail. I have restarted the game several times but each time I have to actually step into the trap to talk to Riisi and then it won't let me go. I tried the DebugMode mentioned in the other thread but that isn't working either. Maybe I am doing it wrong? Can someone please give me step-by-step instructions for the debugging thing since the other one was cut off half way thru? Thanks in advance...

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:48 am
by Ningengirai
Just to be sure - you're IN the trap? From what I know, the barrier surrounding Drogan's lab is supposed to not let you go much further than the bottom of the stairs.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:03 pm
by laditricsie
inside the trap

Yeah, I am actually in the trap. I did a forum search for drogan's lab and came up with pushing the ` key and then going for debugmode movetolocation but when I did it it said success but left me still in the trap. The game won't let me forward until I talk to Riisi but it won't let me talk to Riisi until I actually walk into the trap! :eek: Then when I go through the whole thing with her and she gives me the stuff it still won't let me go anywhere. By the way, just wanted to let you know that I consider you a saint since you are always helping those less fortunate on this game! Thanks a whole lot!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:00 pm
by Ningengirai
I think the commands you're looking for are either "dm_movetoarea" or "dm_jumptopoint". I did look through the entire list of DebugCommands posted at Bioware, and "movetolocation" wasn't listed there. I'd suggest trying dm_movetoarea first, as dm_jumptopoint deals with coordinates and the like.

To use dm_movetoarea, you need the area tag you want to move to. The way you have to enter this is:

dm_movetoarea XXXX

with XXXX being the tag of the area. Try the following:

dm_movetoarea q1a2drogonfloor2 ( hit enter )

It should teleport your character to the Apprentice's quarters of Drogan's house. I have no idea, though, if it'll also move your henchman to that location.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:21 pm
by laditricsie
"I think the commands you're looking for are either "dm_movetoarea" or "dm_jumptopoint". I did look through the entire list of DebugCommands posted at Bioware, and "movetolocation" wasn't listed there. I'd suggest trying dm_movetoarea first, as dm_jumptopoint deals with coordinates and the like.

To use dm_movetoarea, you need the area tag you want to move to. The way you have to enter this is:

dm_movetoarea XXXX

with XXXX being the tag of the area. Try the following:

dm_movetoarea q1a2drogonfloor2 ( hit enter )

It should teleport your character to the Apprentice's quarters of Drogan's house. I have no idea, though, if it'll also move your henchman to that location."

I am definitely going to try this! I went to the Bioware website but that was no help at all. It probably just took the right pair of eyes to read it. I had found those same codes after hitting the tab key (couldn't remember the exact wording) but I didn't have the location code or the exact way to type it all in. Good thing I haven't collected my henchman yet ( I don't play well with others :D ). Again I say you are a saint and thank you for the help! Tchuss!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:37 pm
by laditricsie
didn't work

I did what you said and the floor turned yellow and the screen said success but then my character just stood there like a a country bumpkin staring at a New York store front window! This sucks! But thank you. I have another idea. I might just kill my character and not play SoU at all... This is just so darn frustrating!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:46 pm
by Ningengirai
The floor turning yellow is usually an indication that the DebugMode is on. Did you check if your game was paused after you teleported? Or, wait... did you teleport at all, or were you still in the laboratory? Because this is starting to sound like a bug/glitch to me. Is your game fully patched and updated?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:53 am
by laditricsie
I stayed in the lab. I updated just last week and there isn't an Update option on the main menu anymore. It isn't paused either...

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:50 am
by Fiberfar
Hm... I've had problems with that trap as well. All I could do with it was to restart. I haven't had it since though.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:51 pm
by laditricsie
I have restarted the game several times and did it again just this morning with a whole new character and everything. Now the new character is stuck. So I tried the DebugMode=1 (Enter) dm_movetoarea q1a2drogonfloor2 (Enter) DebugMode=0 and nothing happened, again. I am not going to be able to play this, I think, and it stinks because I bought the platinum edition and this is like a third of the games on here.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:58 am
by Ningengirai
laditricsie wrote:I have restarted the game several times and did it again just this morning with a whole new character and everything. Now the new character is stuck. So I tried the DebugMode=1 (Enter) dm_movetoarea q1a2drogonfloor2 (Enter) DebugMode=0 and nothing happened, again. I am not going to be able to play this, I think, and it stinks because I bought the platinum edition and this is like a third of the games on here.
How exactly are you using the console command? Apologies for being obnoxious, but what's happening in your game isn't normal.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:25 pm
by laditricsie
Ningengirai wrote:How exactly are you using the console command? Apologies for being obnoxious, but what's happening in your game isn't normal.
Ok, I am not the most computer savvy anymore but are you asking how I am entering the command codes? Please clarify "console command" and no, you are not being obnoxious if the person you are dealing with is not as up to speed as you are! I am hitting the ~ key and then I am able to type in yellow at the top of the screen. After I have put in the code you gave me earlier it says success then the typing blinks green (twice I think) and it goes back to the game. This isn't the first time something is not normal with me! Things wouldn't be normal for me if everything would behave as it should. There would be no life without challenge! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:41 pm
by Ningengirai
'Console commands' are the commands/cheats you enter through the console. There are probably different terms for these commands/cheats, but that's the one I'm familiar with.

DebugMode is supposed to be enabled, first, before you can use it. Check your NWN install folder for a file called nwnplayer.ini and open it with Editor. There, under [Game Options], which in my install of the Diamond Edition is at the very top, enter DebugMode=1.

If, after this, your game explodes? Just take out that one line again. Joking! ( I hope )

Once you've done that, cheating should be officially enabled.

There are actually two ways to use the console. One is the ~ key, the other is simply typing in the 'chat bar' above your quickbars. Different strokes for different folks, for some the ~ key works, some need to use the chat bar. If you can't get one to work, try the other.

Try the ~ method first:

DebugMode=1 (hit Enter ) -> **Console**: Success message. Debug Enabled.
dm_movetoarea q1a2drogonfloor2 ( hit Enter ) -> SHOULD move your char.
DebugMode=0 (hit Enter ) -> disables DebugMode.

Check if your game isn't paused after your character was teleported. If that method doesn't work for you, here's the method that works for me on a German keyboard:

( typing in the chat bar; that chat bar should always be there, no need to enable it first )

##DebugMode=1 ( hit enter ) -> Debug enabled.
##dm_movetoarea q1a2drogonfloor2 ( hit enter ) -> moves MY char!
##DebugMode=0 -> disables DebugMode.

If either of those two don't work? Huh. Did you try a fresh install? Is the disk scratched?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:07 pm
by laditricsie
Ningengirai wrote:'Console commands' are the commands/cheats you enter through the console. There are probably different terms for these commands/cheats, but that's the one I'm familiar with.

DebugMode is supposed to be enabled, first, before you can use it. Check your NWN install folder for a file called nwnplayer.ini and open it with Editor. There, under [Game Options], which in my install of the Diamond Edition is at the very top, enter DebugMode=1.

If, after this, your game explodes? Just take out that one line again. Joking! ( I hope )

Once you've done that, cheating should be officially enabled.

There are actually two ways to use the console. One is the ~ key, the other is simply typing in the 'chat bar' above your quickbars. Different strokes for different folks, for some the ~ key works, some need to use the chat bar. If you can't get one to work, try the other.

Try the ~ method first:

DebugMode=1 (hit Enter ) -> **Console**: Success message. Debug Enabled.
dm_movetoarea q1a2drogonfloor2 ( hit Enter ) -> SHOULD move your char.
DebugMode=0 (hit Enter ) -> disables DebugMode.

Check if your game isn't paused after your character was teleported. If that method doesn't work for you, here's the method that works for me on a German keyboard:

( typing in the chat bar; that chat bar should always be there, no need to enable it first )

##DebugMode=1 ( hit enter ) -> Debug enabled.
##dm_movetoarea q1a2drogonfloor2 ( hit enter ) -> moves MY char!
##DebugMode=0 -> disables DebugMode.

If either of those two don't work? Huh. Did you try a fresh install? Is the disk scratched?
I will have to try this tomorrow when I get home from work. Had a long day with the mother-in-law today (lot of those lately!) so no chance to play. I will let you know tomorrow evening. Thanks again.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:32 am
by laditricsie
Went ahead and tried it last night because I couldn't wait (this game is addictive!). I had to start a new game and character but I finally got through to the lab and went through all of the stuff with Riisi and the game got stuck as she went to get the stuff. I left it on her and went to bed and it was still stuck there when I got up this morning. Still no luck with the console commands. I changed the file because it did not have the DebugMode=1 in it but it didn't help. I tried using the chat bar as well. Nothing. The game wasn't paused and there are no scratches so I don't know what the deal is. Well gotta go to work now.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:37 am
by Ningengirai
Hm, I'm sorry. Unless someone else has an idea, I don't know what could be done. You could always skip the quest - as far as I remember, it didn't yield much XP, anyway - so that you can at least finish the game.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:11 pm
by laditricsie
Ningengirai wrote:Hm, I'm sorry. Unless someone else has an idea, I don't know what could be done. You could always skip the quest - as far as I remember, it didn't yield much XP, anyway - so that you can at least finish the game.
Wasn't Riisi supposed to give you a key? I think I was more interested in what he had in his room anyway! Wait...that didn't sound right...:mischief: