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Yet another party idea:

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:00 am
by Onkel Bob
This one with quite great cheese potential.

PC: Priest of Helm dualled to mage at lvl 10.

I have a cleric from BG1 ready for it. Tracked down all of those books too... His wisdom is 21. I seem to remember that he can potentially have at least two points more in wisdom in BG2. I feel I can manage with only 5th level divine spells and this one should get quite a few thanks to high wisdom. The one divine spell I want is Righteous Magic. That and True Seeing which I won't need to spend spell picks on. Seeking sword is going to be nice too. I think with the right spells he should be a force to be reckoned with in melee.

I know Haer'Dalis can hold his own in melee. Blades are monsters.

Edwin is of course a source of massive magic firepower and Jan can support and do the thieving I need.

Any obvious flaws in my plan?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:21 am
by wise grimwald
Sounds good to me. With only four in your party, you will zoom up the levels, so you should be OK. Will you pick up other party members to do their individual sidequests, or just stick to the main quest? Whichever way you choose, you should be alright.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:17 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
I would consider throwing in another tank. Perhaps anomen if you can stand him since you'll be low on cleric power. On the other hand with 4 people you'll level up crazy fast and you have 2 excellent arcane casters, which is all you really need to breeze through

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:24 pm
by Onkel Bob
I think I might use an extra Tank while my PC is re-gaining his cleric abilities. After that I think I should be set.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:45 pm
by Onkel Bob
I've decided to add a few mods to my game. Edwin is now in direct competition with Kelsey and Xan.

Kelsey has the upside that I could have a romance going on and that he's a sorcerer so he's different from my PC with regards to Arcane spells. The downside is that I find the guy more than a bit annoying.

I haven't tried Xan before So I don't know how he is in BG2...

Edwin is of course a powerhouse...

Choices, choices...

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:16 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
A sorceror is better than a mage. especially for you, if you can make use of a blade effectively, it shows you know what your doing. The only down side of a Sorceror is that you have to select your spells wisely. Comparing the 2 Edwin will have just as many spells but Kelsey can use Amulet of Power. Also for those once or twice in a lifetime spells you have Jan.

What it really comes down to is taste, from a powerplaying perspective their nearly identical and choosing either won't make or break your team.

As for Tanks I prefer to play with at least 2. Haer' Dalis will work but he takes alot of cliking ;) since your sticking to a 4 member team the only thing I can reccomend is changing Haer' Dalis for Anomen (if you can stand him) he will tank nicely and give you a cleric on your team making it more balanced. If not Anomen, consider Jaheira she can be a good cleric ;) . she's a good healer, summoner, and with Iron Skin, her fighter HLA, and loads of exp from a 4 member team, she can tank nicely. Restoration is handled by a projected image and your all set. Though again she has a mediocre personality.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:53 pm
by Klorox
My suggestion would be to advance to level 14 with your Cleric. He should be able to turn almost any undead at that level, and will be a much more effective character.

EDIT: Level 15 if you like "Animate Dead"

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:07 pm
by Onkel Bob
Jedi_Sauraus wrote:As for Tanks I prefer to play with at least 2. Haer' Dalis will work but he takes alot of cliking ;) since your sticking to a 4 member team the only thing I can reccomend is changing Haer' Dalis for Anomen...
In my parties if one character does not have the ability to cast Stone Skin and all the others do that character tends to die a lot. Also I'm not really that crazy about clericas anyway.
Klorox wrote:My suggestion would be to advance to level 14 with your Cleric. He should be able to turn almost any undead at that level, and will be a much more effective character.

EDIT: Level 15 if you like "Animate Dead"
Level 15 might be a really good idea. I'll have to look into that a bit... It also gives me an extra True Seeing which is nice. That will definitely be plenty of cleric for me.

Edit: Xan probably won't last in this party. I picked him up as he's available early. Unless he turns out to be really interesting he's gone due to low constitution. I wan't Haer'Dalis to have that belt that would have helped... The sword is nice though...