Other quests?
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:20 am
I'm currently in my second run to finish the game and I'm already at the elemental nodes (already cleared the Air one, now doing the Earth node), but my question is this: It's a big map that we see when we call it (during travel) and it seems there's too much left to explore. I mean, I only have in my map, besides the homlet and Nulb villages, the temple (and the tower, burnt farmhouse and ruined house) the pond N of Nulb were I got the Gar fish to Grud, the cave with the ogres (in the centre of the map, North), Emeridy Meadows, Delko grove and the Moathouse. Is there anything else in the map, some side quest that we can do? I have the Coo8 mod, so already done the Verdondoc (?) quest.Anything else?