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Spells disapearing from quickbar!

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:02 pm
by Foldpreflop
Im not sure if its called a quickbar, but whenever i enter a new location, be it room or anything that requires loading, certain spells disappear from my quickbar. Im a paladin/wizard and for some reason all my wizard spells disappar from the quickbar (except to cast farmiliar) but my paladin ones are still there. Anyone run into this problem? I cant seem to figure out why.

any insight would be helpful.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:53 am
by Magrus
First question, have you patched your game up to the most recent patch using the Update function in the main menu?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:48 am
by Foldpreflop
Magrus wrote:First question, have you patched your game up to the most recent patch using the Update function in the main menu?
Yup patched it the moment i installed, i have the 1.03 patch.

This was the first time i muticlassed a char whose other class had spells as well. When i did a pure wizard or sorc i didnt notice this at all.

As for my paladin/wiz It gets annoying as all the spells from sorc disappear after every entering room or loading of game...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:09 pm
by Magrus
Huh. No clue why that is happening. Wait a minute, you made a Paladin/Wiz? :confused: Maybe the game is smiting you?

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:32 pm
by swcarter
Are you perhaps using an item to boost your intelligence enough to cast wizard spells? I wonder if maybe the game is checking whether you're capable of casting the spells in the hotbar, and it's mistakenly thinking you can't.


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:07 pm
by Cyrinn
Sorry, but this is a known bug with no fix...yet. All you can do is use the quickcast menu (hit "f") exclusively, or put up with it.