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Durlag lvl 4 *spoilers*

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:51 am
by Lancelot122
Ok, first time I make TOSC and have gone till' lvl 4 of the tower at the highest diffculty. I'm quite angry, because even tought i've answered all the satues questions, last room door is still closed and Durlag keep saying that i've other path to explore or sometin' like that, but i've checked the Walktrought, and he is supposed to open the door after I've answered the last question: answer durlag himself and he does't, witch pisses me off. :mad: What can I do, found nothing with the search fonction... :confused:

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:40 am
by wise grimwald
Lancelot122 wrote:Ok, first time I make TOSC and have gone till' lvl 4 of the tower at the highest diffculty. I'm quite angry, because even tought i've answered all the satues questions, last room door is still closed and Durlag keep saying that i've other path to explore or sometin' like that, but i've checked the Walktrought, and he is supposed to open the door after I've answered the last question: answer durlag himself and he does't, witch **** me off. :mad: What can I do, found nothing with the search fonction... :confused:
You have obviously missed something. My guess is that you haven't gone into all the areas to the south. Have you picked up all the stones? There is one carried by a ghoul for instance. Even if you have it, you still have to break the seals into all those rooms. Without a bit more information about what you have done, it is difficult to tell you what you haven't done.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:18 am
by Lancelot122
Ok it's fixed, it was in the room where you have a sling +3 and all the nice stuff, you have somewhere to click and a last riddle there, didnt saw it before! :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:47 am
by frother
can anyone help with this problem?

Durlags Tower, 4 level down.

I have done 2 of the 3 challenges, the Stone Golem and the Bone Wardstone (with the rune trapped room) and now I'm trying to finish the 3rd challenge.

I have killed Grael the zombie thing, got the Compass wardstone, and have headed to the throne like I'm suppsed to. But click on the throne, and nothing happens! It's seriously pxxxing me off :mad:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:12 am
by galraen
frother wrote:can anyone help with this problem?

Durlags Tower, 4 level down.

I have done 2 of the 3 challenges, the Stone Golem and the Bone Wardstone (with the rune trapped room) and now I'm trying to finish the 3rd challenge.

I have killed Grael the zombie thing, got the Compass wardstone, and have headed to the throne like I'm suppsed to. But click on the throne, and nothing happens! It's seriously pxxxing me off :mad:
Did you click on the 'bed' in the room with the rune traps? I was in the same situation last night, and that was the one that caught me out. The one at 6 on the map here ... tower4.php, the other two key triggers are at 8 & 9.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:20 am
by frother
Yep, already clicked the bed and did the riddle in the room it takes you to

have done the stone golem one too, and got hit with a fireball when I checked

don't know what's left :(

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:54 am
by wise grimwald
frother wrote:Yep, already clicked the bed and did the riddle in the room it takes you to

have done the stone golem one too, and got hit with a fireball when I checked

don't know what's left :(
Have you spoken to the ? in the room with the spiders?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:50 am
by frother
Yep - clicking on it just talks about how deep the hole is and that I can't hear a stone hit the bottom.

The golem fireballs me every time, and the bed in the rune protrected room still has the spell icon, but when clicked it does nothing as I've already gone through it

The throne has the same icon - but just does nothing

Looks like I have to forget completing the tower, and get the teleport out from Islanne - which sucks a bit

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:08 am
by galraen
If you're playing on a PC then you can bypass the problem by using the console. Extensive spoiler, instructions on how to cheat follow:
To enable the console, if you haven't already, Open the baldur.ini file, and under [Game Options] add this: Cheats=1. In game press Ctrl+TAB to open the console st the bottom of the screen.

First clear the map by typing in: Cheats:ExploreArea()

Type in: CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys()

This gives the following 'hot key' options:

CTRL+1 -- change the armor of the paper doll (the armor class doesn't
CTRL+2 -- fades screen to black
CTRL+3 -- fades screen to normal
CTRL+4 -- highlight the background-interactive objects
CTRL+5 -- ???
CTRL+6 -- shapeshift your character into the previous paper doll in list
CTRL+7 -- shapeshift your character into the next paper doll in list
CTRL+8 -- highlights the text boxes
CTRL+9 -- highlight the sprites
CTRL+0 -- ???
CTRL+A -- do a sprite animation (see CTRL+S)
CTRL+B -- view last FMV sequence
CTRL+C -- jump to next chapter
CTRL+D -- display some strange numbers
CTRL+F -- turn the character
CTRL+J -- transport onto the position pointed by the cursor
CTRL+L -- information on positon (same as L)
CTRL+S -- select a sprite animation
CTRL+X -- information on position (more)

You can now put your cursor behind the locked doors and press Ctrl+J to teleport to the area and complete the dungeon. However the questline is broken, so you won't get all the prizes, but you will get the Soul Taker dagger you need to complete the Dwarf's quest, and the best of luick when you arrive in Ulgoth's Beard! :mischief:

Personally I'd strongly advise avoiding everyone but Ctrl+J, some of them are very dangerous. If you want to experiment, I accept no responsibility!:laugh:

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:35 am
by wise grimwald
I think you will find that everything will work OK if you enter ALL the hidden rooms to the south.