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Is animal empathy any use at high levels?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:14 pm
by Tokse
Are there powerful animal enemies throughout the game beyond the first levels or is that skill just a waste of skillpoints?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:34 pm
by Crucis
Tokse wrote:Are there powerful animal enemies throughout the game beyond the first levels or is that skill just a waste of skillpoints?
There are powerful animals for a decent portion of the game, but since I've never taken this skill, I don't really know how useful it can be. The problem with it, as I understand the skill, is that using it is somewhat like trying to charm the animal. And since Charisma affects this skill that may be an issue for many of the characters who might wish to use this skill. Why is that? Well, for other than using Animal Empathy, rangers and druids apepar to have little other use for CHA and it tends to be a stat that many people reduce to place stat points elsewhere. Thus, you end up with a lot of low CHA rangers and druids who will be at a disadvantage if they want to use Animal Empathy.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:12 pm
by Klorox
Is it of any use at low levels either? ;)

(Just pokin' fun... I couldn't resist)

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:18 am
by Tokse
Klorox wrote:Is it of any use at low levels either? ;)

(Just pokin' fun... I couldn't resist)
Hehe, not much so far..., up to level8(where my party currently is) Only place I`ve had any use of it so far was the Shaengarne Dam, where I was attacked by arctic boars, snow leopards and Highland Cats :)

Crucis: Well, I`m lucky to have a quite charismatic aasimar ranger(actually a multiclassed ranger 4 / fighter 3 now), who is also a spokesperson and frontwalker. He has a charisma of 16, so animal empathy would be a perfect skill for him, if only it was any useful...

I just have difficulties imagining real powerful animals at later levels..What would that be..raging mammuts? :)