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Rayic Gethras, Spell Shield, and Breach

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:22 am
by With Rye
I am fighting Rayic Gethras in the Docks District as Edwin's choreboy for the day. When his Spell Trigger fires, he becomes shielded, protected from normal missiles, and from magical weapons. I Breach. The battle log lists the downfall of his protections, or so I think.

A translucent, blue globe somehow still surrounds him. My poor kensai cannot hurt him, despite successful rolls, nor can any of my sorcerer's magic attacks get through. I do not get any "weapon ineffective" warnings, so I assume his magical weapon protection is gone. So just what is that dang blue globe? I am guessing he has a Spell Shield up and it swallowed my Breach (But if it cancelled my Breach, why did his other protections collapse?). So I cast Breach again--the shield will only cancel one spell right? But no dice. While she fans him with her katana, he casts Melf's Minute Meteor and damn near kills her by throwing rocks! It's an outrage! He mocks me further by raising some Stoneskins. Desperate, I launch another Breach. Then THWACK! That most glorious sound. My kensai scores a hit and Rayic fails a casting, then another hit, and he falls.

Just what the heck happened? For some reason, my Breach dispelled all his protections except for the mysterious blue globe, which doesn't go down no matter how many subsequent Breaches I cast. If it were a Spell Shield, shouldn't my second Breach get through?

And the really weird thing: it seems I have to wait for him to cast Stoneskin halfway through the battle before my Breach can dispel the combat protection of the blue globe. It is only then that I can land any hits.

I am very confused and will really appreciate any help or clarification on this. Thanks much.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:44 am
by galraen
The blue globe is either a major or minor globe of invulnerability, this is not affected by breach, which only dispels combat protections, stoneskin, protection from missiles etc..

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:07 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
you need spell thrust to get rid of it ;) hope that helps

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:48 pm
by VonDondu
I don't know exactly which spells Rayic uses, but he probably uses Spell Shield (which blocks Spell Thrust, Secret Word, Breach, Lower Resistance, Pierce Magic, Ruby Ray, Warding Whip, Pierce Shield, and Spell Strike) combined with Spell Turning and Stoneskin. He might also use Protection from Magic Weapons. I don't think the Wizard spell Dispel Magic will dispel Spell Shield, but I could be wrong. If you cast Spell Thrust or Secret Word, the Spell Shield will absorb it but be dispelled in the process. Spell Thrust cannot dispel Spell Turning. Secret Word will dispel Spell Shield or Spell Turning (only of them at a time). When Spell Shield is dispelled, Breach will work. Breach dispels Stoneskin and Protection from Magic Weapons. Stoneskin is also gradually worn away by physical attacks (one hit for every layer of "skin") as long as Protection from Magic Weapons or other similar spells are not in effect.

So in order, I would try Spell Thrust, Secret Word, and Breach. Then your physical attacks will hurt him.

If Rayic is using Spell Immunity: Abjuration, none of those spells will work. You'd have to use a spell like Ruby Ray (school of Alteration) as many as three times--once to dispel the Spell Shield, twice to dispel Spell Immunity, and the third time to dispel Spell Turning (although Secret Word can also be used for the third spell).

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:09 pm
by Sytze
Like Von, I am also unsure of what he casts. I tend to go with a Minor Globe of Invulnerability (which can be dispelled by practically anything). You might want to read [url=""]this[/url] link to see which spell cancels which protection.