Jedi_Sauraus wrote:Hmm where to start
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To be honest, the stats of your ranger would have been better for your cleric.
- no worries, these kind of comment make me remake mid targos instead of mid game
as I said I'm a bit n00b with 3E so many things are different.
1) Yes your right about the Cleric. If a pure Cleric of Tempus can tank well than he needs more than 12 wisdom I'll up it to 16 at least. At this early stage of the game I have no problems using shadow keeper. (The 1 barb level should stay IMO for the rage and faster movement)
One major key not mentioned by the others, at least directly, is that the maximum spell level that a spellcaster can cast is equal to your primary casting stat -10. In the cast of clerics, that stat is WIS, so your original battleguard's spells would be topped out at level 2 spells without any WIS enhancement.
Unless there's some specific reason otherwise, nearly all people will max out the primary spellcasting stat of any sorc, wizzy, cleric, or druid.
Regarding the one level of barbarian for your battleguard... You're going to find that keeping it will be a painful decision. It will a) be one additional level of spellcasting lost and b) because he's a dwarf with a favored class of Fighter, you will take an XP penalty of 20% on this character whenever your 2 classes are more than 1 level apart. Believe me, the minor benefit of rage and extra speed will be more than offset by the losses. Furthermore, you probably won't even get the benefit of the extra speed because barbarians
lose their extra speed when they wear heavy armor, which you'll be needing since your cleric has a DEX of only 10.
2)I can live with 1 or 2 people in my team being ugly and stupid, but not all 6 I guess I can lower the Dwarven clerics charisma to 8 and the rangers int to 6 as well Minsc anyone ??
This is not 2e. You do NOT want to lower the INT of a ranger. Rangers live by their skills. Oh, there are some powergamer types to have little use for skills, except for mages. But for those of us who prefer a more balanced roleplaying-ish approach, skills are a must.
I understand the general desire to not have your team be "ugly and stupid", but to be fair CHA is one stat that for many classes has little or no value. And the thing is, CHA is just about the safest place to get a couple of extra stat points without having any real detrimental effect on the character's overall performance. And also consider, CHA ... Charisma is not merely about looks. It's also about personality. It's entirely possible for a character to be acceptably good-looking, but have a personality that just plain turns off people. That would also describe a sub-10 CHA. Indeed, I tend to look at CHA as more relating to personality than to mere looks.
3) I was going to make my Ranger a Drizzt type char, even though she's female
. I never really enjoyed backstabbing in BG II, but is sneak attack different ?? will I get the critical hit while faceing an enemy, or do I have to stand behind him ?? if it's the latter, thats just not my cup of tea.
Only rogues get any sneak attacking in 3e. And your wizard X/Rogue 2 will not be worth bothering to use in sneak attacks. IIRC, you get 1d6 of sneak attack damage for every 2 levels of rogue. So if you were wanting to build a powerful sneak attacker, you'd need to have the rogue be pretty pure. A Wizzy x/rogue 2 is more a sneaky Wizard who took a couple of night classes in rogue skills.
4) I'm curious why you reccommend high dex chars. According to what I've read unless you have astronomicly high AC values it's pretty much useless. Edit: what I'm trying to say is, if you go 18 and pump to 24 base it has a noticable effect but going from 10 to 14 and keeping it there ??
There are a number of reasons.
1. There are a number of skills that are DEX based. Also, those skills are affected by the armor you wear, i.e. the Armor Check penalty (ACP). So, if you're wanting to have a really sneaky, stealthy ranger, you'll want him to have a max'ed out DEX and wearing leather or studded leather armor, so that the armor's ACP is minimized and your skill in Hide and Move Silently is maximized.
2. There are a number of Feats that have a prerequisite of DEX 13+. Feats such as Dodge, Rapid Shot, Dirty Fighting, Deflect Arrows. Ambidexterity requires a DEX of 15+. Now, I'm not saying that you'll want all of these feats, but you might want Dodge or Rapid Shot.
3. The quality and effectivity of armor in 3e is not merely dependent on the raw amount of AC that it adds to your character. It's also about how flexible that armor is and how much it will let you use your character's DEX to increase your overall AC.
That is, a low DEX fighter wearing plate will be somewhat slow and not very nimble. This is why heavy armors, such as half-plate and full plate have Max DEX Bonuses (MDB) of 0 or +1, and why characters who intend on wearing heavy armor almost always have DEX's of only 10 or 12 to match.
OTOH, characters who depend on great nimbleness to be effective, whether in their skills or in ranged combat, will want to wear armors that do not constrict their bodies and limit their nimbleness. They'll be wanting to wear light, leather or studded leather armors, which have high MDB's and 0 or -1 ACP's that will not hurt their DEX based skills.
The overall quality of an armor is the combination of AC Bonus and Max DEX bonus. But Max DEX Bonus doesn't give you that value as a bonus to AC. It only allows you to add that much of your
own DEX's bonus to your AC.
6) will a pure Ranger be an OK class if I use leather armour and dual scimitars ?? what stats should she have. The 1 problem I have with finesse is that I have to use short swords
A high DEX pure ranger would have a medium STR and CON, a max DEX, a 10 or 12 INT, maybe 12 WIS, and a lowish CHA.
You should really think about what you said about dualing scimitars vs short swords. Both are 1d6 weapons. The only 2 differences are that scimitars do 3x damage on critical hits vs. 2x for short swords, and scimiatars are not light weapons, whereas Short swords are.
I wouldn't dual wield with anything but a shortsword or dagger in the offhand until late in the game when you have so much AB (Thac0 in 2e) that you can afford to take the penalty for a non-light weapon in the offhand.
If you want to have a more potent weapon in your main hand, I'd go with something more potent than a scimitar, maybe a longsword or a battleaxe.
Something else to consider is that dual wielding is not nearly as potent in IWD2 as it is in BG2. There are only 2 real benefits from dual wielding in IWD2.
1. +1 attack.
2. The benefit of whatever "while equipped" special abilities you might get from an extra weapon in hand.
Let me explain #2. "While equipped" specials are those abilities are are always active so long as the item is equipped. And these abilities are things like stat bonuses, HP, AC, or AB bonuses. OTOH, a special ability that must be cast like a spell (or is a spell) does you no good
until you cast it and even after you've cast it, you could then just remove the item.
Or the special ability might only matter when that weapon strikes the enemy. But if that "only on a hit" special matters on hits, then you may really want it in your main hand, since off hand weapons only get 1 attack per round. And that's not going to get all that much value from that "only on a hit" special.
"While equipped" abilities are just that ... only active while you have it equipped.
And the "nice thing" about some weapons with nice "while equipped" specials is that while the weapon inself may not be all that awesome, if you're wielding it in your offhand, you're only using it for 1 attack per round anyways. But you are getting the nice "while equipped" abilities 100% of the time.
"will a pure Ranger be an OK class if I use leather armour and dual scimitars ??"
I think that you need to determine what sort of balance you foresee for this ranger between melee combat and ranged combat. If you see her as more of a melee character, then you'd probably be better served with a 14 DEX and chain mail and putting more points into STR. With that combo, stealth is still possible, although more difficult. And you'll be better suited for melee.
OTOH, if you're intending to be more of an archer who only enters melee in critical situations, the max DEX, leather armor combo is the better build.