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Spoiler threads idea

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:25 am
by Mephisto
I have a good idea for spoilers in threads.
I think that "fable" and some other super moderators are always complaning about people making spoilers in games. well i have had i idea.......
Where you can put icons of what the thread is about. IE. smiley face, cheesy face, unhappy face....... :( :) :confused: :laugh: :angel: :D

well i thought that you could put an icon that symbolised that the thread included 1 or more spoilers.

I just thought that it would be quite cool and useful.

just a thought

Mephisto :)

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:03 am
by Siberys
Mephisto wrote:I have a good idea for spoilers in threads.
I think that "fable" and some other super moderators are always complaning about people making spoilers in games. well i have had i idea.......
Where you can put icons of what the thread is about. IE. smiley face, cheesy face, unhappy face....... :( :) :confused: :laugh: :angel: :D

well i thought that you could put an icon that symbolised that the thread included 1 or more spoilers.

I just thought that it would be quite cool and useful.

just a thought

Mephisto :)
There's already a problem with that. Whether it's typing or clicking a smiley, either way it's still the thread starters choice to include a spoiler or not, thus this idea would solve nothing.

We've already added a new spoiler feature so that people have something else they can use besides typing in spoiler in the thread title, a spoiler tag
[ /spoiler]

IMO, we don't need anything else, it's just a matter of the member taking 10 seconds to read the rules and another five to type the word spoiler in his or her thread.