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Where to get the maximum charge for wands

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:46 am
by wise grimwald
Does anyone know the best place to get wands recharged? Is it in ToSC, or in one of the shops in SoA? With the wand of monster summoning, I have one that has far more charges than my others, but I cannot remember where I got it.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:05 am
by TheDude
just sell and buy/steal back the wand for a recharge is the only way i know.
most wand (summoning/fire/cloudkill/lightning) have a max charge of 50 the wand of fear and frost have a charge of 100.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:11 am
by wise grimwald
The reason that I asked is that I have a wand with far more than 100 charges. I probably brought it from ToSC, but as I said, cannot remember where I recharged it.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:12 am
by fable
wise grimwald wrote:Does anyone know the best place to get wands recharged? Is it in ToSC, or in one of the shops in SoA? With the wand of monster summoning, I have one that has far more charges than my others, but I cannot remember where I got it.
Wands are always recharged to their maximum. Charges differ according to the type of wand.

But only a very few merchants will buy back a wand a second time, that's you've sold to then stolen from them. Oddly enough, the Thieves' Guild in the harbor has one of those merchants. So you can chug a potion of mastery thievery, sell empties, steal full wands, sell again, steal again, etc, for as long as you can stand the sheer unmitigated cheese of it all.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:15 am
by Celacena
very slight spoiler

As Fable says - people on here regard "sell and steal-back" as ripe Gorgon-zola. If you are careful - or if you can use simulcrum - you can afford to pay for the fully charged wand once and ration its use. I like to have a couple od cloudkill ones and one of monster summoning kicking around - the way to do that is to find them, not use them and sell them - after a good scrap and with a decent reputation, you can afford to re-charge them.
the cheesy was is to get your thief in their gloves of pick-pocketing, chug a potion of perception, one of mind focusing (+dex) and two of master thievery and find a gullible merchant - there are 3 I know of - Maevar's guildhall, the thieve's guild and the merchant in the sewers under the temple district.
one cash-raising technique that can get lots of xp too is to potion up and steal all the expensive scrolls from the woman in the adventurers mart and the book-stall nearby. use what you haven't got, save a selection in a case for Imoen in Spellhold and sell them to a fence. each spell nets XP and if you have ToB installed, you can erase and re-learn spells for the XP again. with 1000xp per level, level 9 spells get 9k of xp - which can push your levels up a bit.

it is very odd to have a low level mage (having dualled at fighter lvl 8) who then goes up to about level 9 just on learning stolen spells - I admit to doing that with one of my mages - can't cast half the spells in the book, but got the xp anyhow.

I try not to repeatedly re-charge wands by sell-steal though - even though it saves some cash.