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What all the fuss is about with dark elves? (reasonable quantities of spam, please)
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:14 am
by QuenGalad
(note: I think this is the right place for this topic, but i'm not totally sure. Couldn't think of any other. But if it's not, than i'm sorry in advance.)
I have played AD&D for quite a time, (even if my favourite system is MERP), and have met a lot of people who are positively loonies when it comes to dark elves. There was a game master who played in male-only group, and (as i am told by my friend who's been there) when he introduced female npc, she was always a dark elf. A dark elf asassin/ countess/ magician /queen /prostitute/damsel in distress... too bad there wasn't any dark elf fishmonger :laugh:
And I ask myself, why? I read the books of this guy, whatshisname, who created them, and IMO, it was badly thought out (that idiotic violence-based "matriarchat", good grief!) and had really no ambience, no
style - if it had, that might have been the answer. So why are all those guys dribbling at any sight of black pointy ear? Why all this madness around Viconia in BG? I thought it was just immaturity and morbid fascination with tortures, but maybe I'm wrong? They are not teenagers, they should know better.
So I'm calling out on GameBanshee, knowing that any reply i get, it will be interesting and will show me something I have not seen.(
in case no-one notices, this was a tribute to GB forumers' intelligence 
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:46 am
by Rob-hin
Hmm... good question.
Ofcource they are scaly clad (near naked) and always sexy. Add to this they have a bad attitude and always the outcast role, then I think people are drawn to that.
People try to be creative and original and thus like dark elves, thinking they are just that. While in fact, dark elves are rarely original. I like the irony in that.:laugh:
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:19 am
by QuenGalad
I like 'the no-clothes theory'.
Using roleplaying as a way to satisfy one's sexual fantasies is, regrettably, widespread, especially among shy young men. But not only they are in question. I think
some women may be atracted do darkies because of their so-called matriarchat, however they would have to be desperate or not-very-bright to buy it the way it is.
But why men play dark elves? why making a darkie character for yourself? To look at your own "always sexy, scaly clad" black buttocks, maybe? :laugh:
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:07 pm
by Rob-hin
I once saw a movie where a guy was... doing stuff, you know... to himself while watching his woman World of Warcraft elf dance.
So yeah, must be a factor.
Why do guys play a male dark elf?
Because they want to be the dark mysterious stranger, the alpha male, the outcast, the cool guy who only thinks about himself. The rebel! It's a stereotypical rolemodel that boys are drawn to.
Off cource women want to play a dominatrix once in a while. Especially if they are shy in real life.
It feel the same as it is for guys wanting to be the lone wolf actually, only for women!
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:13 pm
by Aegis
I recall in a campaign of mine, someone attempted to play a Drow, and being very worried it was going to turn into a Drizzt clone. I was pleasantly surprised when the route he took was that of a Drow who was being 'forced' to work with the party. It created an interesting dynamic, as on the surface he was working with them, beneath, he was a devout follower of Lloth and was trying to subvert them. It was fun.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:45 pm
by QuenGalad
Now that sounds good! We were a little focused on the physical side (because it's funnyer :laugh: ), but I see you (plural meaning) actually managed to get something more out of the darkie in the way of character... I must say I'm impressed. Most dark-players I knew were just indulging in their interior sadism

. But can't you make the lonewolf, the alpha female or whatever out of any other race?
Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:44 am
by shadowwolf
The REAL reason players choose to go Drow
Elves are sleek and sophisticated + dark elves don't have the goody-goody-two-shoes feel of other elves = Evil and coniving mastermind out to rule the world! Bwahhahahahahaha :laugh:
Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:29 am
by Fiberfar
Hm... I must have missed this thread
Tell you what, there's soon more good Drow (Drizz't, D'rizz't, 'D'r'i'z'z't'... You catch my point

) Than there's evil drow

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:17 am
by Cuchulain82
I just found this thread too, so here's my bit:
(1) I played 2nd ed for a long time, and part of the reason Drow were so appealing were because they were so freakin' powerful. Seriously- this was before level mods existed, so a drow character got all these Darkness, ridiculous stat modifiers, and tons of other bonuses all at the expense of sunlight sensitivity (which was, btw, fixable at the cost of one Prof). Regular elves paled in comparison to drow from the start, the same way that Duergar and Svirfneblin did.
(2) Drow were evil- not many other races were outright evil in D&D. The most basic D&D party is the good-doing, kill-the-dragon, save-the-princess type party. Many dms only allowed good PCs. Suddenly, after the Drizzt books, there was a whole race of evil things living just under Waterdeep that hadn't been available before. It allowed everyone to expand their inner assassin (or scantily clad dominatrix.... whatever

(3) The ridiculous fantasy artwork of dark elves with huge boobs, broadswords, and scale-mail bras probably didn't hurt popularity.
(4) I just googled that video that Rob mentioned- high comedy! I'm glad I don't have friends like that...
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:19 am
by Naffnuff
QuenGalad wrote:Why all this madness around Viconia in BG? I thought it was just immaturity and morbid fascination with tortures, but maybe I'm wrong? They are not teenagers, they should know better.
I suppose we had very little to choose from. Both Aerie and Jaheira are extremely difficult personalities. I usually can't stand an entire game with either of them. Of course, when I played as a gal, I had to go with Anomen (one is not made of wood, after all!). But I'll tell you, my heroine threw some pretty long glances at that dark, muscular mace-arm.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:24 pm
by Fallout skater
be prepared for sth very unusual
Usually I choose races that with a normal height e.g. Humans, Elves, orcs and etc. I am highly influenced by the picture that represents the race that you are reading about. I know sounds silly but eventhought it doest matter how you look (not counting the Cha modifier) I am a fussy when it comes to my character's appearabce. I like the combination of dark skin and golden or silver hair. Siberys once told me that DnD is the best place for stereotypes. And also I am one of those stereotypical players that are showing off and that participate in band that are like kill the dragon save the princess and receive some stuff.
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:16 pm
by Lord_Chaos
Drow Society
Im a big Drow fan but not some loony as you put it. I will say this though im not a big Drizzt fan im more into the way their society (in theory) works its completely based upon chaos as order and the ruthless are honored for example take the

way the priestesses of Lolth run things they have a council of the highest matron mothers of each house and thier matron mother of the whole city at the top now they all work togther mostly for the better of the city while on their own time figuring a way to eliminate those above them to take theier place. so i guess what im trying to say is well at least for me anyway its not so much the darkness and evilness or their love of toture and spiders that interests me its more the order of chaos that works but shouldn't