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How do I find an NPC after leaving them?

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 8:47 am
by ilkilkus
I am going back to an old game and want to find him. Byt he way, I have Shadowkeepr loaded. If there is no way to find him normally, what is the cheat to get him to appear.

In reality this is all so stupid because the only reason I want to see him is to go on his quest so I can pick up the Boots of Speed. Which of course, I could get through cheating.

The world is all so grey.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 10:00 am
by fable
Him? Who?

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 11:45 am
by Rodion Raskolnikov
I guess it's Haer Dalis - since the Boots of Speed are linked to his quest. The quest get's triggered in the five flagons inn (I think?) - anyway in the Bridge District

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 2:05 pm
by ilkilkus
Yes, Haer Dalis is the guy I am trying to find. (I just reread my post and it seems I must have deleted part of it accidently).

Anyways, I have been to the Bridge District and can't find him...any other ideas?

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 2:35 pm
by fable
Then enter the Inn that's already been mentioned, here, and go downstairs. Pay to watch the performance (if Minsc's in your party, his comments are a treat), and offer to help the thespians out afterwards.

The actual location where Haer'dalis is being held is...
...first, go to the Temple District. Then, enter one of the trapdoors on the street, and go to the northern end of the dungeon. Note, there is a fairly tough little group of evil adventurers who you can buy off or fight; I suggest coming at them from due south, and having an invisible wizard carry a wand of cloudkill; that way, you can hit 'em quickly, retreat back south, use the spell again, and so heavily wound them before they reach you.

Once you get past them, you'll find a secret door to the north. Go through that, climb the stairs, and you'll be in the lair of the wizard who has captured Haer'dalis. Hope that helps. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 3:04 pm
by ilkilkus
I have already rescued Haer'dalis but when I rescued him, I didn't have him join my party. Now, none of the actors are around when I go downstairs in the 5 Flagons Inn.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 3:45 pm
by fable
You might have made it a lot easier on us by giving us the facts up front, you know. ;) Well, if you've already freed Haer'dalis and haven't accepted him into your party, as I recall he says he'll stay around for a while. And I think he may be at the Copper Coronet.

If he's not there, Shadowkeeper 'im in.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2001 6:53 pm
by callaiscp
How do you "shadowkeeper" an NPC back into your party? I have shadowkeeper and a similar problem of having lost an NPC (Imoen, well after rescuing her from spellhold).

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2001 8:50 pm
by Sabre
I don't think it's actually posible to use Shadow Keeper to get NPCs back into the party. You can use CLUAConsole and summon the NPC and then either talk to them or CTRL + Q them into the party. The only problem is that you'll loose the items that the NPC had on, since I have no idea what the code for the NPC that you kicked out of the party is.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 10:05 am
by Loredweller
In all my games so far he have been in the Five Flagons Inn just right of Samuel Thunderburp, no matter if he have been in the party or not - if you're not a bard yorself. If you're a bard, if i recall right, and have the theatre deal on hand, he might vanish if you do not accept him in the party. Shame, i haven't preserved bard savegames, so there is a moment of doubt, though.

[ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: Loredweller ]