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Need some advice

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 9:02 am
by draculR
I am fairly new to Baldurs Gate 2, and after constantly restarting due to stupid decisions I want to make a new evil aligned party, there are a few questions i need to ask though:

1. How exactly would you play an evil party, would you decline to help people (and not do quests such as Nalia's Keep). Also, what number would you reputaion be? an evil character shouldnt be heroic should he? although doesnt a very low reputation lead to problems?

2. Of course the three evil NPCs would be chosen, what character however would be best suited as the PC? (based on your own experiences)

3. Ive never used Korgan before, so what weapns are best suited for him?

4. This may sound stupid, but ive developed a multi or dual classed character, can i get some general advice on what is best?

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 11:27 am
by nael
you need to look at the evil character not as someone who wouldn't help, but someone who helps to serve their and power. my reputation was actually fairly high since i did help a few people for my own ends, i wasn't a psychopath who killed everythig and stole from everyone. although you could do this if you feel this fits your character better. it's a role playign game, get into your character and think about how s/he would handle the situation.
korgan, is in my opinion, the best tank...maybe sarevok once you hit TOB...but have him dual wield hammers and axes, whichever you happen to have the best of at that time. after completing the trademeet quests, you'll be able to get the dwarven thrower which is a great ranged weapon for him to use. in TOB he is absolutely unstoppable dual wielding the axe of unyielding and crom fayer.
for my evil party, i use a evil sorcerer, but i also don't use edwin. thieves are always the component missing the most form the game...if you use them.

for dual class, the almighty combo that gets rave reviews is the kensai/mage. Xyx has done extensive documenting on the berserker mage (check the shadow mages topic's last few pages)
the kensai/thief is pretty awesome, especially once the thief gains the use any item ability in TOB. kind of overpowered though.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 11:30 am
by Rodion Raskolnikov
Very slightly spoilerish


Well - it's all up to you. Do the quests you find interesting. I think though, that the rep should be in an "evil area" - and your NPC's are much happier that way (it can get very annoying if they are not).

I played an all evil party with an assassin. It was my most entertaining game this far - poison weapon, backstab: kapuffffff! I highly recommend it - and as a thief it is easy to behave evil.

Korgan has a grand mastery in axe. I would recommend the +2 axe for starters and then switching to the +3 axe which is relatively easy to obtain in the graveyard district. Also be sure to go to Trademeet and find the merchant that looks like a nobleman. He has the dwarven thrower - that way he gets a ranged +3 weapon which you will find extremely useful. It is, however, proficiency war hammer - but if you plan it, Korgan can achieve grand mastery in this prof too.

Personally I like non dual or multi characters. If I should choose between the two I would probably go for some sort of dual combi instead of multi-class - but again - it's all up to you! Play the character that sounds the coolest to you. Good luck!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 3:51 pm
by Saigo
I'm playing an evil party right now. A multi-player super-party with no PC's. I'm not worried about reputation -- some of the quests will give you a point for completion whether you want it or not. However, it does affect the prices that merchants charge you, so you might try to keep it from getting too low. I have been playing under the assumption that my characters don't want the entire town to be hostile and that all of the quests are worth doing for the money. "Sure, I'll help you. You may hate me for it in the end, but I'll help you." A neutral evil character is out for number one, not necessarily to commit evil deeds.

Korgan is the best fighter in the game. He starts with Grand Mastery in axes, and there is a +3 axe (Stonefire) available in the Copper Coronet where you meet him. Another +3 axe (Frostreaver) is available during Nalia's quest. So you could get both very early in the game. I would start with that and then pick up hammers and maybe flails.

Assuming I was going to use Edwin, Viconia, and Korgan, I would consider playing a half-orc Fighter/Thief, a Kensai/Thief, or a Swashbuckler. I would probably try to keep Jaheira, too.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 4:19 pm
by fable
Exactly what Nael said. Evil should be seen as "selfish," not necessarily law-breaking or psychotic. ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 5:24 pm
by draculR
Wow the people on this board actually respond, and quick too.

Thanks, the advice is appreciated (as well as any further advice), ill try to find Xyx's info in the shadow mages topic.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 7:46 pm
by Nightmare
Wow. He's new to BG2, and you go and spoil part of ToB for him. :rolleyes:

If you are playing an evil aligned party, what npcs will you use. Of course Korgan, Viconia, and Edwin, but you could use Jan as well. That could let your PC be a monk or warrior. If you plan of getting ToB, you could stick with the evil npcs and play a Fighter dualled to a Thief.

Now, the BEST evil party. Start a multiplayer game. Create a thief and a sorceror. Import the saved game into single player, and pick up the evil npcs. Again, you could switch the thief for a fighter dualled to a thief.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 3:37 am
by Rodion Raskolnikov
@Dracul: Of course we respond - we have no lives :D