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Need help tweaking with the game files (SK)

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:37 am
by Horrorshow
Hello. I just installed the game with the following patches and mods in the order displayed:

BG2:ToB Official latest patch
G3 BG2 Fixpack
G3 BG2 Tweaks

I noticed a bug early in the game: if Jaheira transforms to any of her innate ability's creatures and then back to human, the weapons aren't changed back with her. In other words, she's left with bear paws / wolf claws, and I can't change any of her weapons slots ("Magical weapon in use"). The bear paws appear in the F2/F3 weapon slot, and actually blink between the wolf and bear weapons slowly. :confused:

The question is, can I change it back manually with Shadow Keeper, and if I can, how? I can't find the correct thing to modify...the inventory tab seems ok, I tried deleting *everything* from "affects" -tab and none of the others seem useful. Any ideas? Or should I just stay away from the G3 mods? I've played BG2 vanilla through way too many times, but the BG2 mods' compatibility seems to be a mess, I can't figure out what I can install and what I can't :(

Thanks for your time.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:37 am
by windchime
i am not sure, try!
try SKing it from the inventory page and assign a weapon to the hand slot.
this might mean however that you won't be able to remove the weapon then...
just try it...

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:36 am
by Rabain
All you should need to do in SK is remove anything in the slots labelled Weapon1,2,3 and 4.

The magical weapons that "stick" in hands are set to "stick" in the item itself. Removing the item should put you back as you were before.

Check with the guys at G3 if they are aware of this in case it is not in the most recent release or a known issue for the next one.