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Starting over as a warlock

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:12 pm
by splatter
After all my problems with bugs, they finally caught up ith me.
My character was level 13 ranger 5 frenzied berzerker a few boards from game completion when the game finally crapped out. All of my saves were corrupted with the same bug. I would run to the world map and hit the big circle. Upon doing so my characters would all disappear. I could see the ring around the targeted character , but that is all. This bug also made it so that i couldnt access the map to hit a different area, trapping me where I was.

I totally uninstalled then reinstalled the game and ran the patcher. Hopefully this time It will run ok. Since the saves were all corrupt I didnt save any of them.

I am starting the game with a fresh slate. Even against my better judgement I am selecting the warlock. I have done some surfing , on this site and others , and despite them needing a patch or to to work the kinks out, they seem like a real solid class.

I have the jist of them down after searching , and here are my ideas
Str 10
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 16
I will get the charisma to 21
No background
Use magic device
Contemplating able learner for tumbling but undecided atm.
I really wanted to be able to craft stuff. But oh well. I will only be able to tak 5 skills to 20 this way still mulling it over.
Lev 1 Battle caster , Spellcasting prodigy
Lev 3 Medium armor
Lev 6 Spell penetration
Lev 9 Greather spell penetration
Level 12 Toughness
Level 15 ......
A little lost on feats atm. Is toughness worth it? Isn med armor prof worth it?
There are some nice med armors you csn get and use with a high Use magic device. Should i specialize in a weapon maybe?
One thing that is messing me up; I read somewhere that weapon finesse will help a elderitch blast land because it uses the weapon you have equiped or somthing. I copied and pasted it below:

This may be a bug that is later fixed, but ranged touch attacks appear to use the AB of your equipped weapon. Since your DEX is going to be higher than your STR, you'll want Finesse. Even if you're not carrying a weapon, Finesse applies to unarmed.

Ahh ... that one messes me up. Can anyone confirm this? I need weapon finesse to make a ranged touch attack land better? Using that logic a light weapon with a dex mod is ideal?

Ok onto spells. Level 1 I will take leaps and bounds and elderitch spear.
I have read here and there that virolic blast is a good one. I also read that Darkness is good as well, but then I read that it was bugged since the warlocks Devils sight wont see thru it. So that means no casting it on yourself and then trying to fight because you wont be able to target stuff thru your own spell? Or has that been fixed?
I have read alot on this and a few other sires, and some of the information is conflicting. Any help with the above would be appreciated.

I am currently staring at the character creation screen and scouring the book included with the game hoping for inspiration. Any input ASAP would be greatly appreciated. Then I can get started and try and beat this game ...and hopefully I wont have bugs mess it all up.


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:22 pm
by fable
Just remember, when you enter cutscenes involving discussions with enemies who attack afterwards, your warlock is going to be at the front of the party. No matter where else he/she was, beforehand. :rolleyes:

I don't think that makes for a very mage-friendly game, myself. Not for the PC, at any rate.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:57 pm
by splatter
Good point. I still like the warlock though. Perhaps the Medium armor proficiency will help me out in regards to being in the forefront after cut scenes and dialog.
Still in the dark about what spells i should have and or switch out at higher levels...that and the wep finesse thing.
Im liking the idea of the warlock. I used to play D7D from way back in the day , but the last time I played it was I think 1994 or so. Ive missed alot . The warlocks are totally new too me. But the concept is good. I haqve no problems laking any other character since I know the core rules and a dabbling of the newer rule thru games. But the warlock is a whoole dofferent animal.
Im chomping at the bit to get stared , but I figured it would be wise to defer on this one to those that have played a Warloc in D&D recently and or played one in the game already.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:40 pm
by swcarter
My only experience with warlocks is playing AJ in the campaign, and it looks like your build is fairly close to his, so you're probably fine. But a couple comments...
splatter wrote: Concentration
Use magic device
Was there a particular reason you wanted UMD? There's so much equipment available in the game, I'd say this isn't really important. Ditto for heal, since you can rest whenever you want. If you're going to build up heal at all, put it on one of you divine companions. I'd recommend you take two out of bluff/intimidate/lore, because you'll see lots of skill checks in the conversations you have.
splatter wrote: I really wanted to be able to craft stuff. But oh well. I will only be able to tak 5 skills to 20 this way still mulling it over.
You don't have to put crafting skills on your character. You can farm these out to your companions. In fact, since you'll meet more casters than you'll want in your party, there isn't any reason not to.


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 8:46 pm
by splatter
swcarter wrote:My only experience with warlocks is playing AJ in the campaign, and it looks like your build is fairly close to his, so you're probably fine. But a couple comments...

Was there a particular reason you wanted UMD? There's so much equipment available in the game, I'd say this isn't really important. Ditto for heal, since you can rest whenever you want. If you're going to build up heal at all, put it on one of you divine companions. I'd recommend you take two out of bluff/intimidate/lore, because you'll see lots of skill checks in the conversations you have.

I Saw a few of the real nice items that You know who was able to use with his UMD skill... stuff not allowed by class..great ac...Nice stuff. Heal... the Ai is so retarded I figured id try and just keep a bunch of those kits on me and take it up tp 10 or so...and 5 or so in bluff / intimidate maybe. With 5 or so in the skills and then the spell that gives 6 to those skills ill be golden
You don't have to put crafting skills on your character. You can farm these out to your companions. In fact, since you'll meet more casters than you'll want in your party, there isn't any reason not to.

Spoiler. I figred at least 5 points or so for craft weapon and armor...the plus 6 from the artificer gloves and the bards song would enable me to upgrade the construct.
Any input on feats , incantations ? Im still struggling with what to select and the whole weapon finesse making my range attack blasts better is wierd.

Bleh just realized that I made my statements to your quote in your actual quote lol. Edited it in bold

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:32 pm
by Cyrinn
My warlock build is quite different from yours, such that I focus more on melee. I made a 17 warlock/ 3 rogue that specialized in dual wielding shortswords and this ended up being very powerful (more so than I had anticipated) after the first chapter (which was a fair challenge).

I started with:

STR 12
DEX 16 (+3) I assigned my 4th point based on equipment I had.
CON 12
INT 12
CHA 16

I took luck of heroes and toughness at lvl 1.
weapon finesse at lvl 3
2 weapon fighting at lvl 6
improved 2 weapon at lvl 9
improved crit shortsword at lvl 12
greater 2 weapon fighting at lvl 15
spell penetration at lvl 18, but I am still unsure if this actually works

I took lvl one 'spells': darkness, devil's sight (with fix), and dark one's luck
lvl 2 'spells': flee the scene (godly in melee! with fix), eldritch chain, and brimstone blast
lvl 3 'spells': devour magic (this one owns, especially if you melee), vitriolic blast, and chilling tentacles
lvl 4 'spell': dark foresight

I would cast darkness and FtS and just lay into enemies with my hasted, sneak attack, 2-7 attacks/rd (based on lvl), then I would cast my invocations from the darkness on any unsuspecting enemy outside my shroud, and when they ran in I would cut them down :devil:

This was a very fun and initially challenging build, but once you get to about lvl 8 or so and the darkness lasts longer and your attack bonus and equipment are better you can literally own the battlefield.

Later when you get devour and better chain combined with brimstone or vitriolic you soften the mobs up then slay them in a few hits without hardly being hit. I pretty much soloed most the game with these tactics it was just that good in the OC.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:19 am
by splatter
I too am envisioning my warlock in the battle as well. I plan on making my party hold at a location while I run ahead and see how i fare.I am still crunching the numbers. I have been sitting here for literally 5 plus hours surfing the web and going over what I want in detail. I have the game on my laptop and I am using my main pc to surf etc heh. Right now I am torn between the point allocation. Noteably int, dex , cha . Right now on my laptop my abilities are as follows:
STR 12
DEX 14
CON 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 16

A big part of me wants to dummy him up and lose some intelligence, but i like characters with a little versatility. With him being human and the 14 int I can get 5 skills running. Still blows my mind that caster types get 2 skill points in this game. I miss my rangers skill points already.
I had a few builds in my mind for this character.
2 Barbarian 18 Warlock:
10 percent faster ...Free med armor feat...14 hp a lev( with constitution bonus) ...uncanny dodge... rage. I even had one built before my saves got corrupted and I had to reinstall. I chose Barbarian for the 1st 2 levels.
Level One I chose extend rage and extra rage. Extend adds 5 rounds to the rage and Extra rage gives 2 more rages per day.
Level 3 I selected Warlock Battle caster feat and Leaps and bounds.

Damn now that im looking at it I like that better than the pure build I have been mulling over. Bah

Gonna be a Loooooooooooooong night
The only problem with that is I wont be able to get the Spell casting prodigy feat ... so its either the feat or do the barbarian the 1st lev and get 8 more skill points.
Gah , def gonna be a long night. Afk after this to make a pitcher of iced tea....need some fuel to keep the noodle awake lol

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:12 am
by splatter
Cyrinn wrote:My warlock build is quite different from yours, such that I focus more on melee. I made a 17 warlock/ 3 rogue that specialized in dual wielding shortswords and this ended up being very powerful (more so than I had anticipated) after the first chapter (which was a fair challenge).

I started with:

STR 12
DEX 16 (+3) I assigned my 4th point based on equipment I had.
CON 12
INT 12
CHA 16

I took luck of heroes and toughness at lvl 1.
weapon finesse at lvl 3
2 weapon fighting at lvl 6
improved 2 weapon at lvl 9
improved crit shortsword at lvl 12
greater 2 weapon fighting at lvl 15
spell penetration at lvl 18, but I am still unsure if this actually works

I took lvl one 'spells': darkness, devil's sight (with fix), and dark one's luck
lvl 2 'spells': flee the scene (godly in melee! with fix), eldritch chain, and brimstone blast
lvl 3 'spells': devour magic (this one owns, especially if you melee), vitriolic blast, and chilling tentacles
lvl 4 'spell': dark foresight

I would cast darkness and FtS and just lay into enemies with my hasted, sneak attack, 2-7 attacks/rd (based on lvl), then I would cast my invocations from the darkness on any unsuspecting enemy outside my shroud, and when they ran in I would cut them down :devil:

This was a very fun and initially challenging build, but once you get to about lvl 8 or so and the darkness lasts longer and your attack bonus and equipment are better you can literally own the battlefield.

Later when you get devour and better chain combined with brimstone or vitriolic you soften the mobs up then slay them in a few hits without hardly being hit. I pretty much soloed most the game with these tactics it was just that good in the OC.
About the fixes you mentioned above. Are any of these the ones you are referring to? I found them while surfing the web:

Warlock - Eldritch Blast Fix -- Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault

Warlock - the Imbue Item feat -- Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault

Spell Fixes compilation v1.05 -- Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault

Warlock Bug Fixes -- Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault

If they are what you are referring to then I will try and get them running in my comp.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:19 am
by splatter
Ok I just had a brainstorm. I read somewhere online that a paladins Divine grace or a Black guards Dark blessing stacks with a Warlocks Dark ones own luck. At 1st I contemplated goind warlok untill I could open up Black guard, but thst requires cleave and me being chaotic evil. I insread decided to make my character a 2 pally 18 warlock. I am taking the 2 pally ranks straight off. Now all I need to do is do my best to select only chaotic conversation / actions when I can. I know I can console this but I wanted to see how long ot takes the old fashioned way heh.
Either way it will be interesting.
Ok off to roll the toon.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:13 am
by Cyrinn
Yep, those are the fixes I used. You just unzip them and throw them in your override file I believe.

Well, that was part of the reason for the rogue levels, I could allocate many skill points to keep the char well rounded. You could take more rogue levels and space out when you take rogue, then you can have pretty high skills in a variety. It is also nice to have high sneak when fighting in the darkness.

I didn't know dark ones luck and blackguard's char mod to saves stacked. Talk about saves through the roof, but I just used dark one's and I still rarely failed a save (I used nymph cloaks to get my CHA higher).

You can't be a warlock/paladin since pally's must be lawful good and warlocks have to be evil or chaotic. But you can take blackguard at around lvl 8-10 I think (you don't have to be chaotic evil, just any evil).

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:17 am
by mr_sir
@ splatter, please use the edit button to add things to your post rather than make several back to back posts in the same thread.

Thanks :)

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:36 pm
by splatter
You can't be a warlock/paladin since pally's must be lawful good and warlocks have to be evil or chaotic. But you can take blackguard at around lvl 8-10 I think (you don't have to be chaotic evil, just any evil).

Sure you can . You take Pally to level 2. Then pick chaotic actions or dialog options.Lawful good pally with enough chaotic selections will become a chaotic good character. Unable to advance any fuyrther in the pally class, but can still use the skills / abilities. Once Im chaotic good I will be able to select warlock as a level up option.Shouldnt take too long. I tend to play chaotic good characters alot , and I always select the crazy way of doing the good things heh.

@ splatter, please use the edit button to add things to your post rather than make several back to back posts in the same thread.

Yes sir Mr sir lol
Sorry I was up real late and not in my right frame of mind. I will try and remember to use the edit function here on out


Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:10 pm
by Cyrinn
Well, I guess you could do that. I have never resorted to this in either NWN or NWN2 in order to multiclass, but I was under the impression that you lost all your abilities as well, not just the ability to take more levels.

And if you can keep your abilities as you say, then I would be interested how long it would take to go from lawful to chaotic....seems like it would take more than 2 levels! So, that build is impossible without cheats.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:33 pm
by splatter
Cyrinn wrote:Well, I guess you could do that. I have never resorted to this in either NWN or NWN2 in order to multiclass, but I was under the impression that you lost all your abilities as well, not just the ability to take more levels.

And if you can keep your abilities as you say, then I would be interested how long it would take to go from lawful to chaotic....seems like it would take more than 2 levels! So, that build is impossible without cheats.
It will take more than 2 levels. And no , It is possible without cheating. Will just take a while. Right in the tutorial is the 1st chaotic choice you can make. You accept a bet with the mossfield kid and get a point towards chaotic. It all depends on dialog options and actions.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:32 pm
by Artemisa
Right now I'm a human warlock level 20. I'm chaotic and have a lot of personality and talking skills too. My characters were always good. I just had to say some chaotic(evil) stuff to continue and level up.
Excellent class IMO. Good at magic and fighting.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:58 pm
by Cyrinn
splatter wrote:It will take more than 2 levels. And no , It is possible without cheating. Will just take a while. Right in the tutorial is the 1st chaotic choice you can make. You accept a bet with the mossfield kid and get a point towards chaotic. It all depends on dialog options and actions.
A 2 paladin/ 18 warlock isn't if you can't go from lawful to chaotic in 2 levels. You would be forced to take paladin levels until you become chaotic, which might take how many? 8 levels? 10 levels? I really have no idea. How many points does it take to become unlawful? and do you then become neutral or go straight to chaotic? (I would assume neutral first...)

Anyone know?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:53 pm
by splatter
Yeah , they really intriuge me. At this time however I am stuck on the character creation screen.I made a pally and when he hit level 2 I stopped leveling him. I got to the fort where you meet neeshka and I was already gettin warning messeges since I was aoput to hit neutral. The plan was all chaotic choices till I hit chaotic good then I was gonna go full warlock from then on. It is doable, but a little long in actually getting it done. I know i can just do it using the console , but wanted to do it without.

Right now I decided to go pure warlock, but still torn over feat/skill and point allocations.

Did the last patch fix the incantation that will let us see thru our darkness? Or do i need to download the fix I linked earlier? With the technique of casting the darkness on yourself...what happens to your allies since its a radius spell? Or do you make them all stay then run ahead and cast the darkness in combination with the sight incantation? ( cant remember the name of it atm).

Guess Ill just start a quick game skipping the tutorial and then keep doin it untill I have used all the spells available at level 1 to get a feel for them.

A 2 paladin/ 18 warlock isn't if you can't go from lawful to chaotic in 2 levels. You would be forced to take paladin levels until you become chaotic, which might take how many? 8 levels? 10 levels? I really have no idea. How many points does it take to become unlawful? and do you then become neutral or go straight to chaotic? (I would assume neutral first...)

Anyone know?

When I was doing it i just didnt hit the level up on my character. He could have hit level 4 if i had. I was a few more messeges from neutral and had just met neeshka ... with higher bluff skill or some potions with selecting all chaotic actions/text responces I could have made the switch when the pc would be capable of hitting level 7 or so. But thats a long time to leave him level 2. Its doable but Im not in the mood atm to do it lol.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:48 pm
by Cyrinn
splatter wrote:
When I was doing it I just didnt hit the level up on my character. He could have hit level 4 if i had. I was a few more messeges from neutral and had just met neeshka ... with higher bluff skill or some potions with selecting all chaotic actions/text responces I could have made the switch when the pc would be capable of hitting level 7 or so. But thats a long time to leave him level 2. Its doable but Im not in the mood atm to do it lol.
Heh, I never thought of that! I don't think I have high enough will saves to keep myself from hitting the level up button though :laugh:

When I cast darkness I had my fighters stay in the darkness or run to the periphery of the darkness and I kept my casters in the darkness. If you need your henchies to be stronger, you can have them take the blindfight feat so they are better fighting in the dark. Doesn't matter for casters, the darkness is a free concealment and they can throw spells at enemies outside the darkness preferably held up by your fighter line on the darkness edge. I really didn't need my companions, though, for combat most of the game, I was powerful enough to solo most of the encounters.

I don't know if the latest patch fixed it, but I don't think it did. So I would just install the fixes from nwvault like I did. I cast devil's sight and dark one's luck after each time I rested since they last 24 don't have to save them since they won't run out before you fight. The when I approached some baddies, I cast the darkness a little ahead of me and ran into it. At low levels it doesn't last very long so I anticipated it's disappearance and recast it when I was still cloaked in the first one, that way I could remain in the dark permanently and maintain my concealment.

If you go this route don't get discouraged early on, the battles were challenging until lvl 10 or so. Lvls 11-14 you own most of the baddies you fight and from 15 on you downright PWN everything except for maybe a couple things. Having good gear helps out quite a bit, but the game is full of goodies and crafting good gear is easy enough as well.