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Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 2:29 am
by Crypt_Fiend
I was down in the crypt iking area. When bodhi appeared and asked me to join her instead of the shadow thieves I decided I will since Last time I went throughthe shadow thieves with another character. Anyway she said I could reach her lair but because I was in the crypt area she just showed me the crypt No entrance at All!
I was wondering where can I meet her since all doors to her lair are closed off. Please I need help.
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 5:13 am
by Maurice
I heard about this before ...
Well, for starters, the 'real' entry to her lair is to the left of the graveyard map. If those door aren't open, try going through some other crypts. There's always nice loot around (if you're a grave robber that is), and eventually you should enter some large underground area with lots of spiderwebs on which you can walk. On that map, explore the upper left, and you should find a blue double door.
I believe that after accepting Bodhi's offer, you can open these doors.
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 7:38 am
by Crypt_Fiend
Ya I know but all entries into her actual lair are locked. This is when you meet bodhi for the first time in the graveyard and accpet her as "help" for finding Imoen. those blue double doors are locked as well.
Remember this is just before chapter 3!. SO when you accept her offer do those blue doors automatically open up for you? Because I can't find any entrances that are unlocked.
And yes I looted all the crypts!
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 1:54 pm
by Maurice
Mmm... that's weird ... the door leading from the graveyard directly to her lair SHOULD be opened. As far as I know, she tells you to follow her, and disappears through the (then opened) door.
What did she do when you accepted? And did you really accept or just postpone? I thought there was an option like 'I want to think it over first' or something ...
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 8:25 pm
by Crypt_Fiend
Yeah I accpeted but at the time of conversation I was in one of those crypts and she didn't take me anywhere. Oh well another glitch. I spent 6 hours doing that yesterday but another 6 hour day should get me back to where I was thanks Maurice.
Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2000 5:28 am
by Maurice
You met her INSIDE a crypt?? Now that is odd! When I met her (after her servant telling me where to find her), she was OUTSIDE on the graveyard.
I think it went wrong there - Bodhi was ordered to go to that particular door she had to open, but she wasn't in the same map ... so the game didn't open the door.
[This message has been edited by Maurice (edited 12-23-2000).]
Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2000 6:01 am
by mikel
No chance to get the doors open (at least that was before the patch came out, but I don't think they fixed this).
I had the same problem, I explored the lower crypts because I didn't wanted to sit and wait for nightfall. Nobody I asked could help. I loaded a savegame and left the crypts before dusk, Bodhi appraoched outside and I could continue.