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Question about the specialist mage/other casting class bug:

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:52 pm
by Klorox
Can one take advantage of this bug with, say a Diviner/Bard? Or does it not work with Bards?


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:18 pm
by Aerich
I don't know. It's a bug, so why do you need to take advantage of it?

I can't say that I'd value a diviner/bard all the highly, anyway. If you must have a bard, use it as the "major" casting class and take mix-ins of rogue, fighter, and something else (maybe barbarian?). That way you can use it effectively as a talker, rogue/scout, bardic caster, occasional ranged shooter, and singer. Rogues get all the talking skills for 1 skill point, fighter levels for feats, HP, and BAB can't hurt, and it frees up your other characters from having to take any talking or rogue skills.

Say, then you had a Ftr4/Ro3/Barb3/Bard20. It's got specialization in a ranged weapon, does all the talking, sings, de-traps, scouts, buffs, and tosses the occasional spell when it could help the most. It's not an ideal HoF build on its own, but it will hold its own and allow the other characters to focus in on their strengths rather than try to cover off skills using stat and skill points that could be better used elsewhere.