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Dual/Multi Class - Possible Spoiler
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:17 am
by davfrahen
I`m playing multi class for the first time with a Ranger/Cleric. I`m about to take on Irenicus and my levels are 16/14.
Previously, I`ve dual classed with a Berserker/Cleric and at this stage my levels were 9/24.
I believe that the multi class tends to catch up from here on, but I`m a bit disapointed with my character over all. The dual class seems to much stronger. Does anybody favour the multi class and if so, why?
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:09 pm
by Reso
If you're playing ToB too, you'll get HLAs for both Ranger and Cleric classes, which may make you prefer the multi-class.
Generally, I'm undecided on whether I prefer the Ranger/Cleric multi or dual-class. I like both better than I like the Berserker/Cleric though. The combination of both Cleric and Druid spells is invaluable.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:56 pm
by kmonster
The dualclassed version is superior most of the game since for the role of the party cleric one thing is most important, that's getting as many as high level cleric spells as fast as possible. The fact that the dualclassed version has even better thac0 in midgame doesn't hurt either.
But at very high levels the multiclass ranger/cleric will be far superior to a berserker9/cleric.
When the warrior class reaches level 13 the mc will get an extra half attack per round, 2.5 attacks instead of only 2 per round do make a big difference, they help far more than weapon grandmastery for example. (unless you mod your game)
The r/c gets the iron skins spell, so he can absorb 10 physical attacks at cleric level 20 without taking damage, worth quirte a few hundred HP, so I doubt that a berserker9/cleric is superior to a ranger7/cleric.
With ToB the spell effects are capped at level 20, so higher cleric levels won't help that much anymore.
The multiclass starts getting HLAs and gets more during the game. The dualclass just gets level 7 spells until all are taken while the multiclass can take fighter HLAs afterwards.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:23 pm
by davfrahen
Thanks for that. I`m just coming up to TOB so maybe now my patience will be rewarded.
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:19 am
by davfrahen
I`ve just finished and my levels were Cleric 22 Ranger 18 and my character was the strongest I`ve ever had.
To me this proves that multi-class is the way to go if you`re playing all the way through, including TOB.
My only problem was Draconis. I don`t know why, but I just couldn `t nail him for ages.