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Ok...Now what?
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:55 am
by Doomo
I finally finished the main adventure in NWN. I have a character I like. I looked at the two expansions and they are for lower level characters. Any suggestions where I can take this guy out to get some exercise?
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:30 pm
by GoldDragon
The Fate of Neverwinter mod is nice.
And you CAN use your current character from the Original campaign in SoU and/or HotU.....
It DOES break the explaination, but so what?
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:37 pm
by Doomo
I realise that there are player created modules. BUT, most seem to be rather short and designed for low level characters. Plus there seems to be additional software needed to play them. And unfortunately, I am rather limited in my computer knowledge. Let the laughing begin. But I simply wanted to continue playing my character.
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:46 pm
by mr_sir
HotU is designed for characters around level 15 but you can start it with any level character and you can play this with your character from the Original Campaign without any problems or making the game ridiculously easy as I have done so many times
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:01 am
by Doomo
Thanks! On another subject, how is the online gaming with NWN's? If good, any links or locations to play? And about the player created modules, any info there?
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:15 am
by GoldDragon
The Fate of Neverwinter mod I mentioned above is designed to take place AFTER the events of the original NWN campaign, and as such, for Higher levels.
I suppose that one COULD take a level 1 character thru it, but.....