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That Demi Lich Help! AGAIN

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 11:12 am
by shepherd78
that demi lich that keep sending everyone to never never land is still kicking my tail.... for all you experts out there i did use a besek minsk and BOOM Ol' Demi got him then i did the 5th level magic imunity and put my self imune to necro and conj and one other one cant remeber and BOOM gone too ..... some expert ...any one help me out here'.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 11:46 am
by Delacroix
doble topic! haaha

The imunity is from ABJURATION.
Scrol of Magic Protection.(Adventures mart)
Minsc beserker don't works? TRY KORGAN'S!ha
Use a Magic Invisible eye as a Shield.
Do not attack him with a 6 number party, keep the vulnerables in the door, and the invulnerables in to attack.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 1:00 pm
by Saigo
SCROLL OF PROTECTION FROM MAGIC -- Adventurer's Mart has two (2) of them.

Use the scrolls on two (2) of your party members, arm them both with +4 or better weapons, keep everybody else out of range, and hit him until he dies!

This one is foolproof (let me know if you still need help).

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 1:49 pm
by Aegis
The Ring of Ram is a usefull tool to have. But as I said in the other thread, do a search for Kangaxx on the board, and you should come up with some great strats to kill him.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 4:56 pm
by Johnny
These will all make your party members immune to Imprisonment (the spell he uses to whisk your party away):

Protection from Magic

Berserker Rage
Barbarian Rage (maybe, am unsure)

Spell Immunity (vs Abjuration)
Spell Deflection
Spell Trap
Shield of the Archons
Improved Invisibility (while active he can't target you with spells)

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 5:33 pm
by Xyx
Kangaxx sees through invis, so I don't think Improved Invis will help...

Spell Turning bounces Imprisonment. Too bad he's immune. ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 6:10 pm
by KaaZe
You could also save abit of cash by getting:
Scroll of protection from Undead and have a mage with the immunity abjuration.

Simpel plan:
Get your best fighter, cast protection from undead on him. Put him in front and have him wack!.
Put you mage behind him, with the protection spell loaded (Immunity abjuration, you better memorize 2/3 of em.)

Have the rest of the part stand in the back and out of site. Then this battle gets real easy. Almost too easy... gotta love protection from undead. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2001 4:39 pm
by Kevin Dorner
Even cheaper: have Jaheira raise a few Fire Elementals. Haste them. Their fire damage will get through; Kangaxx is not immune to fire, only magical fire. (I Ctrl-Q'ed him once to try this out and Firkraag's breath charred him to death.)

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2001 5:13 pm
Whoa!!! Mr. Dorner, that is some very useful and pertinent information. I think it should probably be included in the site's strategy section.

What a lot of people have said about the demi-lich battle(s) is that it is basically go cheap or die...that there is no fair fighting, just overkill and immunities on one side or the other. Does anyone have a way to fight Kangaxx that isn't essentially cheese? I know that I always just cheese the snot out of him....

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 3:23 am
by Kameleon
@Jaker, there is no non-cheese tactic against Kangaxx, for the simple reason that he, by the god-given gift of Bioware, he uses the ULTIMATE CHEESE(TM). I mean, it doesn't get any cheesier than infinite imprisonments, neh? The least cheesiest is Kevin Ds, but won't Fire Elementals get imprisoned too?

The only way to counteract him is to use Cheese-o-matic tactics, which can stand up to him.

Now I think I have used the word cheese more in a single cheesy post than anyone else in cheeseland. I am, for the moment, all chesed out.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 4:48 am
Oh, that's a cheesy post, all right.

I totally agree with you, Kangaxx uses so many "questionable" abilities - immune to everything, only takes 2 points instead of normal damage, doesn't get disrupted, infinite ranged inprisonment...blah blah blah.

I have always found that in his case you have to fight cheese with cheese - i usually just go for the sim-cast protection from magic. it's too bad it has to be that way.

I like the way beholders work better - when you're low level, they annihilate you. the game has the ultracheese shield that lets you take them (not if xyx has been at em, though) if you're willing to use it.

But when your party is higher level, your hp is better, saving throws are good, you've got good weapons, you can take on beholders without cheesing out, and it's a fun challenging battle. But when I go after Kangaxx, no matter how high level I am, it's just the same old story :(

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2001 12:23 pm
by Gibsonajt
One of the ways i killed kangax was to hve all my mages keep on summoning pets kangax inprisons them keep on summoning until about 20 pets underground then cast freedom from a scroll and all your 20 pets pop up again and start attacking kangax who is overwhelmed then get all your people to attack him. he's too busy killing pets to notice you who is doing the damage :) :p :D

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2001 2:46 pm
by Grimm Reaper
Give Aerie the Crom Faer, and cast haste and spell immunity(abjuration). Also keep two more in reserve. Happy whacking! :D :D

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2001 6:26 pm
by incandescent one
Why is immunity:abjuration cheese ?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2001 7:46 pm
by yaanathn
Here's another cheese tactic that works about one hundred percent of the time, although it is extremely time consuming.

Basically, after Kangaxx appears in demi-lich form, have your party run out the door. This probably means that you should keep as many people as possible by the door ready to run so that when your guys fighting his lich form are done, there will be as little congestion as possible when they all make a run for it.

Okay, now you're out, and the game will autosave everytime you go in and come out.

Equip someone with the Sling of Everard +5, and have your party formation so that when you go back in, they are at the front of hte group. So now go in, and get ready to pause. Basically, your sling-wielder will hopefull get one round in at Kangaxx, doing about one damage. As soon as he begins to cast imprisonment, run. Dont' try to outrun the glowing green ball once it's been released though, since chances are, it'll hit before you make it out on account of the computer having to take a split second before it realizes your party's out the door and has to load the uppoer level. If you successfully got in a hit, quicksave when you make it out (sometimes, you'll make it out, but too late as you'll lose a party member, and the autosave will save with you having lost that member). Now keep doing this. Eventually, Kangaxx will go yellow and lose his morale. Then you can step in and just sit there sniping him away, or chasing him around if you've got some other uber-weapon avaiable, like a Holy Avenger.

It's a kind of stupid tactic, but sometimes, you're just in a rush for that Ring of Gaxx, and your current party level just isn't ready for im' yet.

- Folken, level 31 Fighter / Quellin, level 11 Archer