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Easy Tutu installation and mod compatibilty/order

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:58 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
Well, I'm expecting BGI + TotSC in the mail sometime this week so I thought I'd start this thread to get me started. I've read the readme's for G3 Tweak Pack, Tutu, and Easy Tutu and I'm trying to piece together an installlation order.

The thing is I want to install easy tutu, but the readme says that the mods you normally install into baldurs gate 1 and then convert into easy tutu won't work. Essentially the readme of Easy Tutu is not as comprehensive as that of Vanilla Tutu :(

Anyway, the mods I want are:

Baldurdash BGI fixpack (compatible/redundant with Easy Tutu ??)
Baldurdash ToB fixpack
G3 Tweak pack (compatible with Easy Tutu ?? It is with the vanilla version)

Proposed installation order:

1) Vanilla games + expansions + latest patches for each game
2) Their respective Baldurdash fixpacks
3) Ascension

after this I'm not sure about a few things

4) Easy tutu or Elements from the G3 tweakpack ?? and where do install the G3 tweak pack ?? the standard SoA folder or perhaps the new one created by Easy Tutu

Edit: I feel this next question doesn't desreve a new thread, so anyway, Are there any "find familiar" scrolls in BGI tutu that can be aquired early on ?? I'm going to be taking a Sorceror through :)

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:05 am
by fable
The G3 Tweak Pack replaces Baldurdash, in any case. It is compatible with EasyTutu; I'm using it right now.

I don't think Ascension affects anything in BG1, so there's no reason its compatibility (or lack thereof) should matter. You might put a note in the Tutu forum up on the PPG board.

I've seen no Summon Familiar scrolls outside the city of Baldur's Gate in BG1. I've pretty thoroughly covered that outside area.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:15 am
by Jedi_Sauraus
How does G3 tweak pack replace Baldurdash ?? The optional changes that are listed are not bugfixes. Excepting the romance fixes, Imoen Tob dialog ect it doesn't have the comprehensive set of quest bug fixes that is offered in Baldurdash.

Anyway, Fable, did you install G3 before Easy Tutu or after ?? Since you have a stable Easy Tutu game running (with the same mods I'm interested in) I hope you don't mind if I just get the install order from you :angel:

Also thanks for telling me about that find familiar scroll without giving away to much :) I assume I'm going to get to Baldurs Gate fairly soon into the game. I was worried I'd have to burn a level 1 slot on find familiar as I'm not waiting untill Nalia's keep to get one.