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Opinions on this party (SPOILERS)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:11 am
by RPG Guy (sorta)
I know you've probably seen this kind of thread numerous times so bear with me please.

I'm getting the notion of playing my second-ever BG2 game....soon. I just finished ToB for the first time a few days ago as a Sorc and I want to play that class again....

...and MASTER it this time.

In fact, I want to see if I can carry the party as the sole arcane caster this time around.

My first run-thru featured evil with tons of spell casting power:

Me - evil Sorc

This time, however, I want to run with a good party and take advantage of all those weapons and armor pieces I had to shelve with 3 core magic users last time around. And like I said, I want to challenge myself by learning/executing the advanced arcane skills without all of the back-up Edwin and Imoen provided (especially in ToB).

I am contemplating the following with a secondary focus on avoiding NPCs that get taken out of the action for extended periods of time (i.e. Imoen, Yoshimo...)

Keldorn (want to be able to use Corsymr this time)
Minsc (want him for dual-wielding)
Haer' Dalis (want him for dual-wielding and want to explore the Bard class)
Anomen (a jerk but a good priest/semi-tank)
Jan (need a thief, hear he's fun to play)
...and of course yours truly (lawful/good sorc).

I don't care about romance crap and, frankly, I don't care for having chicks in the party.

Am I missing any obvious pitfalls with this constitution? I'm still a relative noob at the game and AD&D in general.


Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:36 am
by Onkel Bob
Well with Haery and Jan he's not really going to be the only arcane caster. Especially Jan will be a good back-up caster in ToB.

Haer'dalis just plain needs his spells to do any damage. He's all about buffs. Stone Skin, Improved Haste and Tenser's Transformation to name some important ones. Also Haery has some advantages to you sorc when it comes to some spells. Dispel Magic or Remove Magic for instance. He'll most likely always be of a higher level than your sorc and thus more efficient at casting some spells.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:46 am
by Amran_X_Kaiser

You should widen your classes.

Sorcerer and Sarveok cover alot of bases.

But with Imoen there's a good addition of a thief/mage that can use a bow - invaluable in TOB party.

With that you have 3 extra slots - focus on a priest - my recommendation would be Anomen - Viconia is good with her high DEX and 65 MR but given this is a premilinary character slot you may need the extra fighting capabilities of Anomen if you don't include another figther in this party.

Keldorn is ok - equip him with Ganutlets of DEX and Caromsyr and he's great - but with Sarevok who can equip Soul Reaver from the Githyanki base and doesn't need the high DEX boost since he already has it and use that with his Deathbringer Assault strike - who is better ? = Sarevok.

Bringing in Jahiera might be a good idea if you can stand her whining - her Druid spells are invaluable to any group.

HaerDalis I have personally never used but I know from experience he is a great fighter with tremendous potential when played just right - buffing.

Valygar is someone I suggest you go with. His versatility is amazing - fighter capabilities, backstab damage, mage spells to an extent and upto level 3 priest spells while having mastery in katanas and the longbow. Couple this with the TOB ranger and bow items he is a great character to have.

Overall your party would look like this provided you want to be the only arcane spell-caster:

Anomen / Viconia - if you opt for Keldorn take Viconia - if you opt for Anomen take either HaerDalis/Imoen so that you can have a diverse range of characters.
Keldorn / HaerDalis / Imoen - the reason for choosing between these three is that so you can use as much as possible for a diverse party - why bother having two full-plated two-handed swordsman in one party - albeit they can both use different equipment to an extent - even they have similarities. With Imoen / HaerDalis they both have certain similarities also but to a different degree - spellcasting/elven chain mail/bows/certain thieving abilities.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:05 am
by RPG Guy (sorta)
Onkel Bob wrote:Well with Haery and Jan he's not really going to be the only arcane caster. Especially Jan will be a good back-up caster in ToB.

Damn. Where the heck can I score some find/disarm trap and UNLOCK skillz w/o the arcane ability??? Yoshimo seems to be the only option unfortunately, ...didn't know Jan was a meaningful spellcaster.

Ok, gotta re-think.
Overall your party would look like this provided you want to be the only arcane spell-caster:

Anomen / Viconia - if you opt for Keldorn take Viconia - if you opt for Anomen take either HaerDalis/Imoen so that you can have a diverse range of characters.
I wanted to avoid evil peeps this time around but it seems I have no choice but to include at least one if I take advantage of this advise.

PRIMARY this time around = me being the sole arcane caster

SECONDARY = (a) all good party, (b) more diversity amongst melee and (c) using peeps who stick around for most of the [combined] SoA/ToB timeline.

I *NEED* thief skillz. Nalia sucks in this regard. Imoen is too powerful a mage and she's only around for what seems to be 60% of the game given I'll probably hang around in CH. 2 for as long as possible again. Yoshimo's definitely out. Love those BH traps but the guy's a traitor and I don't won't to dump XP into a guy who I'm gunna kill half way thru. So it seems I'm stuck with Jan by default unless I'm overlooking some other option.

Sarevok rocked last time around with Ravenger + 6. I added him as I hoped he would turn on the party in CH. 10 but (sigh) nothin doin.

Hear'Dalis is must this time around. I want to check out the bard class and that 3rd off-hand attack.

Jan is a must cause I need the thief skillz and I hear he's fun to play, so...

Viconia and...

Is that enough tanking power? Jan's an illusionist correct? So he can't cast Necromancy spells and that should limit his arcanic punch considerably right?

Also with Viconia being dirty, evil Drow scum, will that mess up my good-party focus from a quest acquisition point of view?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:48 am
by Onkel Bob
I think Viconia and Keldorn might come to blows. Keldorn's approach to evil is somewhat unforgiving.

It's not guaranteed though and I hear more likely if your reputation gets too high or low.

Another solution: There's a thief npc mod and a fighter dualled to thief npc mod that I know of. One is of good alignment. That Npc is called Amber. It's fairly well done if you ask me.

Spoiler on Viconia:

Also in ToB you get the chance to make her alignment change so in the end he should be ok with her.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:57 am
by Jedi_Sauraus
IMO all your parties are interesting and would work. Jan is the best thief in the game no doubts here. He is however a multiclass, this gives him more than enough thieving skills but his arcane skills will suck.

Expect him to cast mostly buffing spells such as Stone Skin, Mass Invisibility, Mirror Image, ect with possibly the occasional breach. he will be mostly setting traps and backstabbing while using the buffs to survive better.

Haer'Dalis is just like Jan only his strenght is not thieving but rather tanking and he is even more limited arcane-wise than Jan. His spells go only up to level 6 and you will mostly use spells like Tenser's , Improved Haste, Stone Skin and Mirror Image.

Druid's are not necessary to beat this game but have a few handy spells. You can consider taking Jaheira but a Multiclass Druid is just barely enough to get by. Since you tried Anomen I would recommend Viconia. Although she is neutral evil she doesn't really act like it.

Edit: Onkel Bob is right Viconia and Keldorn hate each other but hey Jan can use Carsomyr as well :D

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:33 pm
by CFM
Onkel Bob wrote:I think Viconia and Keldorn might come to blows. Keldorn's approach to evil is somewhat unforgiving.

It's not guaranteed though and I hear more likely if your reputation gets too high or low.
If that RPG Guy sorta roleplays lawful good, his rep will probably be maxed. Based on what he mentioned previously, he wants Keldorn for Carsomyr, and mates that will be with him most of the game. Because of this, Vic doesn't sound like the best choice for *his* game.

LG Sorc
Keldorn Firecam the racist Paladin
Jan Jansen
#5: Jaheira or Aerie or Anomen?
#6: Mazzy Fenton or Valygar Corthala?

Jaheira: you haven't tried a Druid yet, she has a cool drawn-out sub-quest, and seemed to me more good than neutral. She could handle your priest needs. And check out her Ironskin spell for tanking, among her other divine magicks.

Aerie: has alot of banter when Haer'Dalis is also present, and especially if you too are romancing her. She could handle your priest needs, being a Mage/Cleric. But because of this, she is a magical dynamo, which may conflict with your PRIMARY qualification (especially with H'D & JJ around too).

Anomen: well, you've already had him, but Keldorn is interesting to have around when he goes through his trials. He could handle your priest needs, and is somewhat of a tank too.

Mazzy or Valygar: no wrong choices here.

No wrong choices anywhere. May the Force be with you.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:17 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
Good suggestions CFM, but I personally hate Keldorn and his overly holier than thou lawfull good atitudes. He praises Drizzt and will even turn against you should you choose to fight him, but will attack Viconia because she is Drow.........

Even when I roleplay a Paladin I tend to roleplay more chaotic good than lawfull good. I don't mind "bending" a few laws for the greater good.

with regard to Mazzy vs Valygar, I'd reccommend Mazzy for her character. With any of the teams posted you won't have any difficulty passing the non-modded game

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:03 pm
by RPG Guy (sorta)
Okay guys, thanks for the input.

Gunna roll with...


...which will give me 4 new personalities to try. If I limit Haer'Dalis' and Jan's arcane abilities to simply buffing, then I feel comfortable that I'm maintaining relative integrity in terms leaving the primary responsibility for arcane attacks to my PC Sorc.

If I recall correctly, I should be able to pick up most of these guys pretty quickly out of Irenicus' intro dungeon. I'll have to travel to Umbar to grab Valygar and Haer'Dalis may take some work.

Thanks again for the input.

Oh and Jedi_S...PS...I'll make sure Anomen and Keldorn eat the occasional Cloudkill sandwich for being so irritating. Never enough to kill them outright of course...just enough to give them fatal cancer a month or so after I resolve my little Bhaal issue (grin). Sorry, it's the chaotic evil in me.