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Hostiile Solemnic Knights
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:27 pm
by Demosthenes
Hello all,
This most recent problem I've been having has to do with the knights in the title. I've beaten Lavok, and was on my way to get the demon's heart, but whenever I pass through the room with the knights they turn hostile. I was wondering if there was anyways I can correct this, and would also like to ask if this was a problem that has happened before. I never took any sort of hostile action in there area (AoE spell, accidental attack, etc) and was wondering what might have caused this.
Thank you for your time.
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:51 pm
by Demosthenes
It seems that they only become hostile when I start to attack the halfling mage in the next room. Specifically Whenever I cast Breach on him. This also turned whatever summoned creatures I had hostile. What on earth would cause something like this?
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:26 am
by RPG Guy (sorta)
This never happened to me. Some suggestions:
1. When the halfling mage starts launching spells, pay careful attention to the script. He may be using some sort of unique 'mass domination or charm' area spell. There are many instances in the game where enemies have spells that the payer cannot access.
2. Have you tried dominating the knights back to friendly status after you dispatch all those halfling dorks? There's a staff that gives you 30 domination charges. I can't remember where you can score it though.
I'll keep searching...
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:51 am
by galraen
RPG Guy (sorta) wrote:This never happened to me. Some suggestions:
1. When the halfling mage starts launching spells, pay careful attention to the script. He may be using some sort of unique 'mass domination or charm' area spell. There are many instances in the game where enemies have spells that the payer cannot access.
2. Have you tried dominating the knights back to friendly status after you dispatch all those halfling dorks? There's a staff that gives you 30 domination charges. I can't remember where you can score it though.
I'll keep searching...
The Staff of Command, it's in the Mind Flayer stonghold in the Underdark.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:56 am
by Taurn
Maybe you said the wrong thing with the conversation with them before it? I know you talk to them before you enter the halfling area. I always pick the same options but i think theres 2 or 3 other replies. Maybe something in that set them off i dont know. It might be a bug is possible too. Ive never had it happen to me so im not really sure. You have a mod installed? That might have something to do with it as well.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:48 pm
by galraen
What's the make-up of your party and which mods are you playing Demosthenes?
I had a bad experience recently playing the Valen mod, as soon as I got on top of Watchtower Keep all the NPC's started attacking me, due to having a vampire in my party. Needless to say that mod soon got uninstalled.