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NPC Encounter

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:32 am
by The Batosi
Hey guys, I was playing Icewind Dale tonight, and I was thinking about something. I have played this game through so many times, and the game still stays entertaining, as does all infinity engine games.

Tonight, There was something I was trying to figure out. Since there are some things I have never done in this game, I wanted to truly do everything there is to do in the game one final time.

Larrel, the senile undead-robot elven mage, that is in the Tower of the Severed Hand. I was at the point where I was going to turn in all the pieces to fix the astrolabe, and then go on to Dorn's Deep. Thing is, as I was talking to Larrel, I was looking at my choice of responses, and being bored, I picked the one that told Larrel, that for no apparent reason, I was going to smash his face in. I tried for at least 2-3 hours of battling this guy, even raid-buffing before each encounter, and no matter how many saves I loaded, I just couldn't seem to take this bad man on.

In my party I have:

Human Lvl 9 Fighter
Half-Elf Lvl 8 Fighter / Lvl 10 Druid
Elf Lvl 10 Thief
Human Lvl 10 Illusionist

I wanted to know if it was even possible for me to defeat Larrel with this party. If it is, and there are any masters of this game out there, that can tell me a strategy for this encounter, I would greatly appreciate it. I just really thought it would be fun to take this tough mofo on, and beat him. Any insight on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:52 pm
by Aerich
To the best of my knowledge, Larrel is unkillable. I've never tried it, because he is essential to the plot (although maybe not if you go to Dorn's Deep first, allowing the plot to advance). Besides, he is an undead mage lord, do you think your average lvl 10 party can take him down? ;)

Undead are generally immune to poison, cold, paralysis, enchantment, and instant-kill spells (other than Disintegration or Flesh to Stone, which are properly classified as transmutation spells causing permanent physical inability to be a threat). They are often also resistant to electricity.

What have you noticed in the feedback window? Does he have resistances to certain attack forms? Magic resistance? How low have you gotten him? Hurt? Almost Dead? If I am right that he cannot be killed, he'd probably stay at "almost dead" forever, no matter how much damage you caused him.

If you are serious about this, try:

A) to disrupt his spellcasting. Melf's Acid Arrow, Magic Missiles, Spike Growth/Stones, etc

B) to stun him so you can smash him for a while. Chromatic Orb might be your only chance at this.

I'm pretty sure that you won't have Disintegration or Flesh to Stone yet, and those spells might be the only ways to get him. Note that if you do not give him the Astrolabe pieces first and have him use the Heartstone Gem, the game will end.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:19 am
by Redrake
Some of the NPC's in the game are immune. Basically plot characters and children.