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are there any other games like BG out there?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:15 pm
by alexales
Hi all,

i was wondering if you guys can recommend any games similar to Baldur's Gate? I've been through BG2 and it's expansion about 5 times and I'd love to try something new. One day I'll invest in a PS2 and will play Dark Alliance but until then i was hoping someone has some ideas for me.
I've played Dungeon Siege and Icewind Dale and liked it but of course it's not as complex and well done as BG2. Neverwinternights didn't really do it for me, maybe because of the camera angles, it made me nauseous.
Whatever games you can recommend please let me know if they are available for Mac (if you know) cause that's my main platform.

thanks as always, Alexa

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:41 pm
by mr_sir
You said you've played BG2 but have you tried BG1? If you download and use EasyTUTU then you can even play it using the BG2 game engine. There's also Planescape:Torment which I'm sure lots of people would recommend too :)

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:59 pm
by dragon wench
I'd second Planescape Torment.
It has an even richer storyline than BG2 and incredibly complex dialogue. Be aware though, you have to enjoy a lot of text in a game. Personally I really like a lot of well-written text, but I do know it is not for everyone.

I would say that BG2 is in many ways a sort of cross between IWD and Planescape. It combines combat with story and NPC interaction. PS:T is very much at the opposite end of the spectrum from IWD.

Here are some links on PS:T
Planescape: Torment for PC Review - PC Planescape: Torment Review Planescape: Torment: Video Games
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Planescape: Torment Review by Quandary

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:24 pm
by alexales
yes, I have played BG1 first, loved it of course. I only played through it once really and then sold it. regretted it immediately of course. got it again (the 6 CD edition) but for some reason I can't save the game. I actually posted a thread at the BG1 forum about that and people have been nice enough to reply with solutions but so far no results.

PT looks indeed promising, thank you both for that, but it does not look like this game is available for Mac ;-(.
Once again, it's too bad that so many games never make the Mac release. Guess I have to get a PC eventually and join the dark side of the force ;-).

cheers, Alexa

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:45 pm
by dragon wench
How old is your Mac?
If you have one of the more recent Intel-based systems, you could just download [url=""]Boot Camp[/url] or you could get yourself a copy of [url=""]Parallels.[/url]

By all accounts I've heard and read (I'm thinking of switching to a Mac myself so I've been researching it), both of these programs work very well, and allow you to run anything designed for Windows on a Mac.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:44 am
by fr3ddy

There r plenty of games that r similar to BG 2: SoA, although not as good

i suggest try the following

Planescape Torment: a lot of talking..

FALLOUT 1 and 2: Sci-fic, post WW3

Icewind Dale 1 and 2: Lotza combat and killing...

Elder Scroll: Oblivion - if u hav xbox or gud PC

Fable 1 and 2: great game..

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:14 am
by mr_sir
fr3ddy wrote: Elder Scroll: Oblivion - if u hav xbox or gud PC

Fable 1 and 2: great game..
In what way are these like the Baldur's Gate series?

(Fable 2 is also still in development)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:44 am
by Lobster
Temple of Elemental Evil is a good romp.
It uses AD&D 3.5 rules, and can be picked up very cheaply.

Combat is all turn-based, which gives you greater micromanagement control over your party, but this means that battles take longer.

Plenty of good fan-made mods available for it as well, although I don't know if Mac conversions exist.