The best way to level up Alteration and COnjuration
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:12 pm
Ok, so my conjuration and alteration are both 100. It's really easy to get up that high. For Alteration, you get a really crappy, old, and little-using magicka spell, like ease burden, or open very easy lock. Then you use it constantly, and just keep pressing rb while watching tv. Then about after 20 minutes, it should have raised like 54875470 levels. And for conjuation it is pretty much the same thing. You get a bad speell, like summon scamp, and keep pressing rb while watching tv. and after a while it will raise a lot. You can't do this for destruction though. For that skill, you have to use it on someone...
<(^^)> (>^^)> <(^^<) ^(^^)^
by the way,
<(^^)> (>^^)> <(^^<) ^(^^)^
by the way,