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Soloing the Sphere without Valygar?
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 2:33 pm
by Xyx
I have a problem...
I'm soloing. Really soloing, which means I don't get Yoshimo to steal Ribald's Ring of Regeneration or other such outside help.
I don't have a real reason to kill Valygar. I hate Cowled Wizards, he hides from them, why should I change that?
I want Crom Faeyr. That means getting the Gauntlets of Ogre Power out of the Sphere somehow...
What am I to do? Give up my beliefs by letting Valygar join for the sole purpose of opening up the Sphere? Kill him because I'm power hungry? I was hoping there would be another way to get in...
How do the other soloers out there deal with this? Is it either "Kill Valygar" or "No Crom"?
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 2:46 pm
by Xandax
Well depending on what kind of character you are you either have to kill him or not, as you have stated.
If your character is motivated by the treasure inside the sphere, well then you either need to kill him, or cheat. (I'd say number 1)
If you're more motivated by what is good and right, then you need to live without the little toyhammer

(or cheat

I useally kill him because I can do more good with the toyhammer than with him being in hiding - but then again I'm chaotic
[ 09-01-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 2:49 pm
by Meerlight
Uhhh... Find a reason to kill Valygar. How about: Your ranger thugs attacked me outside! Now you will pay!
If you are lawful, you should kill him just because you were told to do so and he should be brought to justice for the crimes he has committed. (you never get to know the whole story)
OR you could just believe that Valygar is lying to you and he really did kill those wizards in cold blood. Think about it... He hates wizards doesn't he? So why wouldn't he kill them in cold blood?
I'm sure you'll find some way to do the quest.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 3:46 pm
by Lykwid
You could just take him in your party to "escort" you inside the sphere, then drop him from your party, thats not cheating and it is still soloing really.
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 3:53 pm
by Stoner Cold
no, xyx said he didnt want to do that
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 4:07 pm
by nael
i have never played a lawful good character, only chaotic good or other alignments. with chaotic good, the ed justifies the means. i was willing to sacrifice valygar for the greater good.
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 4:45 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Xyx, I hpe you're playing lawful neutral so you can at least get mr ferret using the potion swap tech to summon familiar, eh?
I ran into the same problem in my last game, where I had the party composition down pat and had to hold off getting aerie until the quest was over and letting him go after fufilling lavoks wish.
I know, gate in a demon, let it finish him off and kill the demon!!!
Ethical problem solved!
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 4:58 pm
by Stoner Cold
lol, what a great way to solve the problem. what class are you, and how do you avoid the traps?
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 11:36 pm
by Cynik
I too had a problem with that. I couldn't really find a solution so I did take him into my party and brought him to the sphere, where I kicked him out.
I did not hire Yoshimo to pickpocket or anything like that, my reasoning here was I have chosen to solo a certain class - if I wanted to pickpocket I would've chosen another class. Valygar on the other hand is (to me) poor implementation, it should've been as with Cernd so I pretended it was.
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2001 3:04 am
by Xyx
Ah, thanks for all the wonderful suggestions. I really like the "Gate" one. I can see it happen:
Zhycxss: Watch out, Valygar! I hear monsters coming! I'll get ready for battle.
Zyhcxss: Protection from Evil - Zhycxss
Zyhcxss: Gate
Pit Fiend: Attacks Valygar
Valygar: Death
Zhycxss: Oops.
Well, one way or another, Vally is gonna get it. It still kinda stings, since I'm playing a Chaotic Good character (although I've felt a distinct slide towards Chaotic Neutral over the past few weeks...).
Hey, I know! I'll just use the Rod of Resurrection on him.

I'll see if I can take him into the party, bash his brains in (Sorry, Val, this'll hurt me a lot more than it'll hurt you... NOT!), drag his dead a$$ to the Sphere, get in, resurrect him and kick him out.
Not a
true solo that way, but I won't be able to resurrect him if he's not in the party...
Originally posted by Stoner Cold:
<STRONG>what class are you, and how do you avoid the traps?</STRONG>
I'm a Berserker/Mage. I "avoid" traps by:
- casting Minor Spell Turning or Spell Turning (depending on whether I fear Maze or Energy Drain)
- having 143 Hit Points

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2001 7:57 am
by GrimReaper
For the Gate idea, you could just say you were trying to summon a demon to show Valygar your power and that you could protect him if only he helped out, but you lost control of the demon. Luckily, you were protected from evil (incase Valygar was what the Coweled Wizards said he was), but unfortunately Valygar wasn't and you were knocked back because of your failed summoning. After coming to your senses, you found Valygar dead and a demon waiting for you. Oops is right.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2001 8:42 pm
by Sarkyn
I allowed him to join, ran straight to the city avoiding all fights, got him to open the door, then kicked him out of the party before we'd even taken off our coats inside the sphere
I figure, I was "soloing", he was just like a larger than average quest-item

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2001 8:54 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Amazing how many problems a pit fiend from hell can solve.
Don't want to kill chickens at umar hills to look for a stinking gem?
Pit fiend!
Cowled wizards get you down?
Pit fiend!
Don't want to pay the tab at the sea's bounty?
Pit fiend!
Better than the dungeon express card!
Check my thread about running the planar sphere before the circus quest to see why a pit fiend is the best solution for the sphere.
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 11:47 am
by spork
I like these pit fied ideas... So let's say you solo "honest" like Xyx, and you've bought everything you would even need from Ribald. Will everyone turn hostile against you if a pit fiend happens to kill him and you agree to protect his Ring of Regeneration?
Well, maybe it's not all that useful an item, since by the time you summon pit fiends, you'll probably have the Ring of Gaxx, and it seems to me regeneration doesn't stack.
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 11:52 am
by Saigo
Originally posted by spork:
<STRONG> <snip>...and it seems to me regeneration doesn't stack.</STRONG>
(yes, it does.)
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 1:00 pm
by Xyx
Who cares if they stack!

The Ring of Regeneration is incredibly slow compared to the Ring of Gaxx, and when enemies have worn through Stoneskin and Mirror Images and I start getting hit, it's time for a change of tactics anyway...
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 1:03 pm
by Anatres
Has anybody tried just killing him and taking his body to the sphere? After all he does say something to the effect that 'my blood should open the door'....
Just curious.
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 1:41 pm
by nael
@anatres - yes, you can just kill him and take hiis body to the sphere that's what this topic is about. Xyx wants to solo, but is playign a good character so doesn't want to kill valygar
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 1:45 pm
by Anatres
Thanks @nael.....
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 5:28 pm
by spork
So people have tested whether regeneration stacks? I admit my own tests weren't very formal. I just sat there with a stopwatch and compared how many seconds it took to regenerate 20 HP with the Ring of Gaxx to how long it took with Gaxx plus the Ring of Regeneration, Blackrazor, the +6 vorpal axe and that regenerating Ioun Stone from Sendai. I got pretty much the same numbers. Like I said, though, the tests weren't very scientific. I'll try it again.