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Changing item appearance
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:59 pm
by MrDeodorant
Can you change an item's appearance in game? In the CEP for NWN 1, you could, but if you can here, I can't seem to do it.
Also, please, people, give your threads real titles! I went through the forum looking for this and found infinite variations of "A quick question". Kind of useless.
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:59 am
by Snipercon
Before the game was released, I had the impression that when you craft a weapon or armor, the item toolset pops up and you can fiddle with its appearance if you like.
After the game was released, I was dissapointed that NO, you cannot change an item's appearance.
There might be a way to go out of the game and use the toolset to create your own item and put into your inventory, in a saved game. I'm not sure I havn't messed around with the toolset that much.
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:24 am
by MrDeodorant
Yeah, in the original, you could actually export your character after completing a section, load a custom module full of items and loot, export again, and come back in with basically whatever you wanted. AFTER beating the game honestly.
I hope that functionality will be added in a patch. It's obviously simple enough that they could do it in the CEP for NWN 1, so the actual developers shouldn't have that hard a time, and it really is getting boring to keep seeing the exact same sword every time.