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Ice Golems & Closed Door

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:34 pm
by bluestinger
Hi all

Im on 2nd level of Watchers Keep and for some reason cant get the door to open between the gas chamber where I picked up the sceptre and the poisonous library, Im trying to bloe the poisonous fumes from the chamber, through the library to the ice chamber where Im having big problmes with the ice golem and ice mists, nothnig seems to beat them

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:13 pm
by RPG Guy (sorta)





If you picked up the sceptre after killing the giant snake (in the poison lab), there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to open the WEST door to the poison lab and the EAST door of the ice lab.

It must be a bug of some sort or you're missing something. Otherwise, you have the right idea in terms of making the ice golem vulnerable.

TIP: make sure the fan in the air lab is on its highest setting. You have to click the center control panel twice to accomplish this.

Good luck.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:09 am
by bluestinger

Have set the fan to the highest setting but still not getting a result, the door is still locked. The room still seems to be producing enemies so I dont know if Ive completed all of the objectives. Tried using lightening on the centre pool as one of the scrips indicate that lightening should be used, but yet the door remains locked, is this a bug???? I have air and slime key???

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:12 am
by RPG Guy (sorta)
I don't what else to suggest mate.

I just went thru WK a few days ago myself and I don't recall having to use lightning in any capacity (despite the note suggesting that the slime creatures are susceptible to it).

They all died easy enough although. The poison cloud in the chamber was the harshest aspect and nothing you do (beyond redirecting it) can stop it from emitting.

Have you got a save game close to the star of WK level 2? You may have to abort the save game file you're relying on as it appears to be bugged. I had the same problem with the Spellhold maze. Despite having the vampire's hand and the crystal, and despite the big statue telling me "the way is open"...the statue's mouth would not open so I had to reload further back to get the script to execute properly.

Good luck.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:03 am
by bluestinger

Thanks mate

Will try a previously saved game and start again, cant see anything else for it.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:17 am
by CFM
If you don't have it already, then maybe the ToB patch might help? (ToB automatically patches SoA)

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:21 pm
by curlymcdom

I've been searching for solution to a similar problem. I got stuck into the 2nd level after ignoring the Demon- kinda assuming he'd trick me or attack me or something, and went about piecing together the clues in the various manuscripts. I'd got into the lightning room, killed the various beasties and turned the switch. Then saved.
It was after that that I came across this website and found out that you had to talk to the demon to trigger the ability to find the sceptres. However there's no lightning sceptre and no more lightning baddies which means I can't open the door towards the poison room. I've left it for a large amount of time in order to carry on with the main ToB plot but since I'm now stuck fighting Draconis (fnrnrnr :mad: he's not even the Bhaalspawn I'm after!) I thought I'd give it a bash. It seems a waste to have never witnessed what else Watchers Keep has to show me!

Is there any chance it'll appear or is there any other way into the lower levels, say by provoking the demon into a fight?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:51 am
by Monks
afraid the only way to get to the next lvl is trough the scepters, should be possible to add the scepter trough a CLUAcommand though, (dont know the scepter code :P )