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Question for Conjuration

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:23 pm
by RobertCole
Ok, I searched the forums... and didn't find anything really useful, I'm new to Oblivion and I was wondering if you can tell me what I should do to make a good Conjuration Char. What race I should use, what quests I need to do, how do I summon creatures do I earn the skill to do it? Do I have to learn it somewhere? Stuff like that... Any info would be great.

And yes, as I said I did search the forums, but most I seen was people saying "You know there's a thread made about this already USE THE SEARCH!" Well... I did, so please help.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:30 pm
by Siberys
As for the first query, a character build, go with an Altmer (High Elf), Conjuration needs a lot of magicka and Altmer have that nice bonus.

Birthsign, any will do really, don't pick the Atronanch though, as you get a nice magicka bonus as well but you can't regenerate mana over time like normal.

Skills- Conjuration, Mysticism, Blade or Blunt, Light Armor, and anything else you like.

As for all your other questions, they are indeed searchable, right here on gamebanshee, as well as your oblivion manual will answer half of those questions. You use spells to level up the respective skill, you buy the spells from mages and Gamebanshee has locations for this, summoning creatures is the same for casting ALL spells.

You're right, you won't find information on how to cast spells in the oblivion forums here on gamebanshee, and the reason is, is because it's in the instruction manual for oblivion. If you want to know the basics of the game, consult that before you start a thread please.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:26 pm
by RobertCole
You don't get the manual when you rent the game to see how you like it ;)

Thanks for the info though

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:08 pm
by Arnfin
Conjuration happens to be one of the easiest skills to gain levels in. It really goes up fast. For that reason, I would consider taking it as a minor skill. As a major skill you may find yourself leveling too fast.

Unlike spells colleges like restoration and destruction, which require you to actually heal or cause harm for the casting to count toward leveling, conjuration can be cast over and over again for advancement. Choose a low cost summon and go wild. You can see immediate results.