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Lycanthropy and Vampirism - General Thoughts and Experiences
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:02 pm
by dragon wench
Some Morrowind fan fiction I read recently got me to thinking about lycanthropy and vampirism in the game. I have never played as either a vampire or a werewolf, basically because I play in the "neutral/good" range, and I can't bring myself to kill unless I'm attacked first.
But, I'm curious about the whole premise of roleplaying vampires and werewolves. What are peoples' experiences and thoughts?
p.s So this thread doesn't end up getting moved, please try to keep it Morrowind specific
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:49 pm
by BlueSky
As many times as I've played this game, I just cannot bring myself to take either path, my characters take on a life of their own and the choices they tend to make are to not make the change...
Maybe one day....
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:47 pm
by dragon wench
BlueSky wrote:As many times as I've played this game, I just cannot bring myself to take either path, my characters take on a life of their own and the choices they tend to make are to not make the change...
Maybe one day....
That's just it. Often when I start a new character I think,
Maybe this will be the one that chooses the "Dark Path."
But, it just never seems to happen... Some will skirt the boundaries of the law by "liberating" the possessions of others, but even then, they never steal from the poor, just the wealthy.
*sigh* I've also never been able to join the Assassin's Guild...
Good thing the game is so huge, because there's a whole chunk of it I'm missing
Still though.... that thought of the deep shadows does intrigue, which is why I began this thread. I'm quite interested in how people role play characters like this.....
p.s check your PMs
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:59 pm
by AmpaSand
Vampirism is really cool but i ended up killing A LOT of people.
wondering if you have morrowind and blood moon then can you become a vampire and werewolf at the same time?
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:25 pm
by BlueSky
Yes same feelings here DW....but have this feeling I eventually will...
but go figure....had no problem palying Darkside in the Kotor series.
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:09 am
by Greg.
AmpaSand wrote:Vampirism is really cool but i ended up killing A LOT of people.
wondering if you have morrowind and blood moon then can you become a vampire and werewolf at the same time?
You can. It messes your game up though.
Vampirism is handled better in Oblivion (one of the few improvements)
My only experience of being a werewolf is through
Hircine's ring
so I'm not sure of some of the specifics. However, it never seemed fun to play as a beast for more than 5 minutes. If you could RP it (finding somewhere to change etc) then it could be fun, but it's just not interesting enough.
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:25 am
by King Malus
My best char is a werewolf. it can be really cool especially if u imagine things in the game (ex. ur a bandit hunting werewolf (thats me!)). the only problem is that theres too little to do in terms of quests as a werewolf. sure in the expansion u can do a few things but after ur done them ur kinda screwed and it can get boring. ill warn u that it can b boring bcuz almost nothing can stand against u. i wish that there was a Pack u can join or something, or that u could infect other people. but like i said, it can b lots of fun.
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:22 pm
by d-mac
I have never become a vampire, because everybody in the whole game knows it and very few people will actually have a conversation with you. I have played as a werewolf, and though I didn't like it that much, at least you can keep your identity secret. I prefer keeping my regular form, because being a vampire or werewolf just makes things harder for yourself. And not in a challenging way, in an annoying way. Besides that, the vampire questlines suck and there isn't any point in being a werewolf anymore after you've finished Bloodmoon's main quest.
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:06 pm
by AmpaSand
Greg. wrote:You can. It messes your game up though.
Vampirism is handled better in Oblivion (one of the few improvements)
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:16 pm
by Magelord648
You have a werewolf body and a sideways vampire head. Some other stuff as well.