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construction set help (again)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:21 pm
by wing
i'm wondering, how exactly would i go about changing what an npc will buy from you? i'm trying to make Meldor in Balmora buy anything from me. another mod i have gave him 75,000 gold (the coloured glass mod) so... how do i change it? i have the construction set open, looked at him and couldn't find anything about what he buys. or how much gold he has, for that matter.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:36 pm
by galraen
wing wrote:i'm wondering, how exactly would i go about changing what an npc will buy from you? i'm trying to make Meldor in Balmora buy anything from me. another mod i have gave him 75,000 gold (the coloured glass mod) so... how do i change it? i have the construction set open, looked at him and couldn't find anything about what he buys. or how much gold he has, for that matter.
Select the AI button at the bottom of the character sheet, then select the Services tab.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:09 am
by Magelord648
If it won't let you change anything look around for a tick box that says auto calculate and untick it.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:36 pm
by wing
oh, i was just looking at the menu that comes when you double click on him. thanks!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:04 pm
by wing
i decided to stop making new threads about this and just put it in here

now i need 2 helps with the cs.
1. i want a script that makes it so that, when this certain book is activated, you can't pick it up, and it makes a few creatures appear at certain coordinates.
2. i'm trying to make that creature as a new one, modeled after an ascended sleeper but better. when i go in there to look for the ascended sleeper texture, though, it's not there. it's there in the ascended sleeper, but that file used there isn't in the file when i browse through for it. where are all of the textures and things?

thanks :)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:30 am
by Magelord648

Code: Select all

Begin "Script name"

If ( onactivate == 1 )
Placeatpc "Creature id" count distance rotation


Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:35 pm
by wing
thanks ml, but is there a way so that they end up at specific spots instead of just spots relative to the player? and do you know what's going on with the textures?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:13 pm
by galraen
Regarding the textures, you need to copy the files from your construction set disc to your data files directory.

As far as creature placement, if you know which cells you want them to appear in when constructing the mod then place them in the relevant cell, then disable them in the start-up script, then enable them in a separate script which is called by the book/item/spell.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:36 pm
by wing
galraen wrote:Regarding the textures, you need to copy the files from your construction set disc to your data files directory.

As far as creature placement, if you know which cells you want them to appear in when constructing the mod then place them in the relevant cell, then disable them in the start-up script, then enable them in a separate script which is called by the book/item/spell.
okay, so if i understand you correctly
1. the files are on the disc, not the computer
2. i need to do some super duper scripting where i do something and push the button and then it kills me, right?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:17 pm
by galraen
wing wrote:okay, so if i understand you correctly
1. the files are on the disc, not the computer
2. i need to do some super duper scripting where i do something and push the button and then it kills me, right?
1. Affirmative, on the Construction set disk, not the game disk

2. Not sure what you mean, check out the script called Startup and you'll find this entry:

;for Mark's Azura thing

Then check out the DaedraAzura script and you'll find:

elseif ( state == 20 )
if ( Player->SayDone == 1 )
Journal "DA_Azura", 10 ;give journal entry
"golden saint_staada"->Enable
set talk to 0
set state to 0

So, in the Startup script the Daedra which have been placed on the island are disabled, i.e they wont be there if the player visits before visiting the Shrine of Azura.

When the player goes to the shrine and touches the statue the DaedraAzura script is activated, which, as well as triggering her speach, also enbables the Daedra on the island.

Get the idea?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:53 am
by Magelord648
The above script will only make a creature appear once. Mine will work every time it's activated. If you want some help PM me. Though Galraen may have more experience in the matter.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:50 am
by galraen
Magelord648 wrote:The above script will only make a creature appear once. Mine will work every time it's activated. If you want some help PM me. Though Galraen may have more experience in the matter.
The problem is that Wing seems to want the creature to appear in a different cell to the one the PC currently occupies.
Do you think this might work?

Begin "Script name"

If ( onactivate == 1 )
Placeatpc "Creature id" count distance rotation

"Creature id"->PositionCell x, y, z, rotation "Cell id"



PS OK it doesn't work, the creature has to exist in the game before PositionCell will function

PPS Even if you use a generic creature it doesn't work. I tried with a Storm Atronuch, with and without the PlceatPC, in both cases the game simply moved the firdt instance it found of the creature. I checked this out by COCing to Alas Ancestral tomb after verifying the existence of the SA in the cell I'd chosen, and sure enough the SA was gone.

Back to the drawing board.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:11 pm
by Magelord648
I have an idea. Set the creature to respawn. Use the enable script to enable it but when the cell changes disable it again.

Code: Select all

Begin creatureplacerscript

Short doOnce

if (doOnce == 0 )
if ( onactivate == 1 )
"creature Id"->Enable
set doOnce to 1

if ( doOnce == 1 )
if ( "creature ID"->ondeath == 1 )
; I don't think this bit will work
if ( cellchanged == 1)
"creature Id"->disable
set doOnce to 0

I doubt it'll work right. You may need a global variable to replace the ondeath part. The creature should respawn without reappearing. I've not tried this and this version will definitely not work but with some tweaking it should work.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:44 pm
by wing
galraen seems a little off on what i want it to do, but ml is fine. exactly what i want to happen: there are three cave tube type things, about a jumping distance away. the book basically says 'choose quick and jump', when you close the book or take it i want some of those special ancestor ghost things to appear on some rocks floating around the cell to launch spells at the player, forcing them to jump and hope they got the right one. something i thought of just now, is there a way that you could make it so that doors don't show where they go to by you looking at them?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:46 pm
by Magelord648
You could have them go to a cell that has an unobvious name such as First tunnel them another door. To the cell you want them to go to.

The command you're looking for is "Creature id"->PositionCell x, y, z, rotation "Cell id".

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:01 pm
by wing
so the script is
"ancestor ghost thing" ->positioncell xcoordinate,ycoordinate,zcoordinate, spinnyness
is that right?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:23 pm
by galraen
wing wrote:so the script is
"ancestor ghost thing" ->positioncell xcoordinate,ycoordinate,zcoordinate, spinnyness
is that right?
I've tried several ways to find a way to script a repetetive summoning but without success. Possibly it can be done with the script extender, but I don't have that. So the only solution I can think of is the first one I offered, but obviously that only works once. Maybe someone else can come up with an answer.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:46 am
by galraen
wing wrote:galraen seems a little off on what i want it to do, but ml is fine. exactly what i want to happen: there are three cave tube type things, about a jumping distance away. the book basically says 'choose quick and jump', when you close the book or take it i want some of those special ancestor ghost things to appear on some rocks floating around the cell to launch spells at the player, forcing them to jump and hope they got the right one. something i thought of just now, is there a way that you could make it so that doors don't show where they go to by you looking at them?
I missed this post when I made my last reply, sorry about that.

Now I've got some idea of what you want to achieve it should be straightforward. Give each special ghost a unique ID (Special_Ghost_01, 02 etc), place you special ghosts where you want them. In the Startup script add lines to disable each ghost.

Creat an enabling script such as:

Original text deleted

I think that should sort it, I'll try a test and come back.

OK, I managed to get the effect I believe you want, this is how I did it:

First I created three unique creatures labelled Special_Ancestor_Ghost_01, 02 and 03 and placed them in the cell I chose (Mournhold)

I then created a short global variable called AGState

Next I created this script:
Begin SGStartup

if ( AGState < 1 )
This script I added to the start scripts and then created a second script:
Begin AASpecialGhost

short doOnce

if ( menumode == 1 )

if ( doOnce == 1 )

if ( OnActivate == 1 )
StartCombat, Player
Set doOnce to 1
Set AGState to 1

This script was added to a book, which when picked up could be read, and the ghosts appeared and attacked as soon as the 'take' or 'close' option was selected.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 6:46 pm
by wing
okay, my only question now is, where do i put those scripts? i'm pretty sure the second one goes on the book, but where do i put that first one? and how do i put in the global? (i know prettymuch nothing about scripts and the construction set and all of that stuff)

and just for the record, what exactly is a script extender?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:04 pm
by galraen
To set a global variable select gameplay in the top menu bar, then select global, then select new, type in the name you want to give the variable (no spaces or special characters)

The script to be run at start up (SGStartup in the example), again select gameplay, then Edit Start Scripts, then Add Script and select (double click) on the desired script.

Script Extender was a mod for developing more complex scripts than are available in the game 'out of the box'; don't worry about it. Best not to use it IMO as some people don't want to use it for some reason, and you don't need it for your purposes I suspect.