Eminent Domain
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:00 pm
Where i live in the city is planning to use eminent domain to expand a park by 17 acres, should the government be allowed to seize privately owned land if the owner is unwilling to sell.
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You know VonDu, eminent domain isn't always bad law. The problem, as I see it, is that someone is usually screwed on one side of the transaction or the other. Either the state loses out on a tremendous growth opportunity and has to leave an entire neighborhood completely underutilized, or a group of private homeowners has their property taken away with very poor compensation. Eminent domain usually doesn't shake out in any other way.VonDondu wrote:But that's what happens when they write bad laws.
I am completely against this, I have been to Bob Jones park and it is huge. Southlake does not need anymore baseball or soccer fields, we have plenty of them. What you have here in my opinon is the result of a greedy city council and nothing more.CITY COULD SEIZE LAND
Bob Jones park could grow by 17.7 acres if southlake has its way. But aquiring the acreage has proven difficult.Attempts by city officials to purchase the property have been met with no response by Marylyn Milse and Carl Fretwell, the two individuals owning the land.On March 2, the city mailed Miles and Fretwell purchase offers at what officials concidered above the propertys' appraised values. Neither Miles nor Fretwell responded, causing the city to concider its options.Among those is condemnation. "We are still open to comming to some sort of agreement with both parties, and then the next step if we need to, would be the condemantion process," said city spokeswoman Pillar Schank.Condemnation, a step in eminent domain, involves seizing property. Such measures have drawn opposition nation wide. The subject hit home when neighbors fought back for their homes when Northeast Mall expanded in Hurst. Similar struggles emerged in Arlington, where the planned Dallas Cowboys stadium pitted neighbors against devlopers.But Southlake hopes to avoid any standoff."Were just looking at our options right now" said Schank, who declined further comment on the matter.
About 2.5 million dollars in park devlopment funds has been approved to aquire the property, compromising 11.2 acres owned br Miles and 6.5 owned by Fretwell.At the last council meeting officials authorized the city attorney to begin condemnation proceedings but hope that does not become necessary. "We are still in the preliminary stages of this," said Schank.
Calls to Fretwell and Milse whoes property records indicate they live in Fort Worth and DeSoto, respectively, were not returned.According tho the Tarrant County Apprasial District, Fretwell ownes three properties for a total of 6.5 acres, in Southlake, all of which are on Bob Jones Road. The properties appraised for $30,013, $64,382, and $190,749.Miles has two properties in Southlake. An 11.2 acre site on Mud Hen Road, adjacent to one of Fretwells properties, appraised for 63,728 and an 11.25 acre site under the name Miles, Marylyn & Etal appraised for 56,254.Fretwells ownership dates back to 1988. Miles' Mud Hen Road property also dates back to 1988 and her other property to 1994.