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Ice Katana

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:02 am
by ShadowShowdown
i am hatamoto. where i can find ice katana. i think it in patch 1.4 but ....
(sory for my poor english but it 's all i can do. please help me :(

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:59 pm
by kathycf
Hello :)
I think you mean the Winter Katana. That is a rare weapon, and you can read more about where to find it in this thread: (you will have to scroll down a bit in that thread.) ... 86412.html
(note: the thread is labelled this context that means it gives locations for most of the items in the game, which could lead to somebody's game getting "spoiled". )

You can find other decent Winter weapons (or at least weapons that do freezing damage) in a variety of locations, such as the Shadow ruins, the tomb of souls, the Daedroth temple and the Naga temple. You will probably have to reload your game any number of times to find the exact weapon you want.