Huge bug in Dragon Eye...(mandrake root related)
Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:45 pm
I got the modified root and placed it on the correct table (I got a journal entry that proves it). I then pulled the south lever. It gave me the wyvern poison potion things, but left the mandrake root alone. I then pulled the north lever with my evoker that has a base alchemy skill of 17 (level required for pulling the lever is 15), and the thing injures her. I try it a few more times, and the ****ing thing kills her. I thought I'd do it the other way. I intimidated the dude into doing it for me, and he says he will...except he doesn't! He just doesn't! He wanders around the goddamn library! Thinking it may just be because the game is stupid and I have to wait a while in order for him to go pull the lever, I keep the game unpaused and go watch a few episodes of Seinfeld. I come back...he hasn't done **** and the mandrake root is still there, unchanged.
THEN I hacked in the godblasted sabotaged potion in with a console command, but the ******* that needs it won't recognize it because I need to go through the alchemy process first!
This is so typical. A similar thing happened to me when playing Baldur's Gate for the first time many years ago. I got to the end of the game and a single, then-unknown bug forced me to spend weeks trying to hack my way past it. I do not want to have to do that with this game. Please, for the love of me! I thought I'd do it the other way. I intimidated the dude into doing it for me, and he says he will...except he doesn't! He just doesn't! He wanders around the goddamn library! Thinking it may just be because the game is stupid and I have to wait a while in order for him to go pull the lever, I keep the game unpaused and go watch a few episodes of Seinfeld. I come back...he hasn't done **** and the mandrake root is still there, unchanged.
THEN I hacked in the godblasted sabotaged potion in with a console command, but the ******* that needs it won't recognize it because I need to go through the alchemy process first!
This is so typical. A similar thing happened to me when playing Baldur's Gate for the first time many years ago. I got to the end of the game and a single, then-unknown bug forced me to spend weeks trying to hack my way past it. I do not want to have to do that with this game. Please, for the love of me!